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Posts Tagged with "summer renovations"

While most Columbians vegetate in flyover states or work long hours in the beige halls of finance, Columbia prepares herself for the Fall 2012 and the arrival of the class of 2016. (We see you!) Like the MTA’s, Columbia’s renovations are a patchwork of quick-fixes intended to squeeze a little more life out of really […]

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Animal House, Tamed

Admit it. You’re a little jealous of those elusive few with summer transfer housing who now get to shack up in one of the frat-houses-cum-dormitories on 114th. Check out their new digs, sans sticky floors (we hope)—the former Psi U house, pictured below. Update: The building formerly known as Pike is available for your visual […]

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We ran through the Columbia updates a few days ago, and now we’re catching up with Barnard. Matt Kingston, Associate Director for Housing Operations, reported the following ameliorations: Reid: Upgraded hallways on every floor means new paint and carpeting for all your cartwheeling needs. Brooks: The 4th and 5th floors boast refinished woodwork. This means all […]

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The Columbia Housing Gods have upgraded your digs. Much thanks to the lovely Joyce Jackson for sharing this definitive list of renovations. Here’s what you can expect Carman: Freshies are in for a treat: a glistening new fitness room. Couch muffins can enjoy True Blood marathons on the flat screen televisions just installed in all floor […]

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The West Way Café has transformed. The diner isn’t open yet, but it’s not clear what we should expect. The only culinary feature of note in Manchester, England, is its Curry Mile, but this Manchester’s decor doesn’t hint at any South Asian flavors… One could also entertain hopes of a budget-friendly eatery, given that Manchester, […]

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The summer has been anything but dull in Morningside Heights. Perhaps the biggest news of all was the closing of H&H bagels, just downriver at 80th St. H&H was frequently cited as the top rival to our clearly superior Absolute for the best bagels on the Upper West Side, if not the entire city. Perhaps […]

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SGA: Housing Revelations

Katheryn Thayer reports on last night’s SGA meeting. Coming up: Barnard Basketball Night! Saturday, February 5, 7pm at Levien Gym. Support the basketball team and breast cancer awareness! With special appearance from Bacchantae, singing the national anthem. EcoReps will hold their first potluck of the semester February 2 at 7 in the Diana dining room. The […]

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Lerner: It Glitters!

In case you haven’t dined at Ferris or needed an Add/Drop form yet, you might not have seen Lerner 4 & 5’s newest look:

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That is great, fresh-faced, American school spirit you’re flying there… ΑΔΦ. Didn’t it used to be a slightly less patriotic jolly roger?  Bwog ran into ADP’s house manager on the street, who could not explain the change in flag, but suspects it may be temporary.

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SGA Roundup: Post-Housing

Bwog’s dedicated SGA Correspondent Caitlin Lynch reports from last night’s proceedings, primarily concerned with the improved housing selection process, areas of further improvement, and summer renovations. Annie Aversa, Associate Dean of Campus and Residential Life came to discuss changes in Barnard housing. This year, instead of waiting on different lines for different buildings, the process […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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