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Posts Tagged with "morningside heights is the culinary center of america"
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Cupcake Alert

Eliza Shapiro, who knows the culinary landscape of Morningside Heights like no other, was quick to alert us to the very important development of a new Crumbs Bake Shop at 108th and Broadway. It will take up residence in the shopfront which formerly housed Crystal Gourmet. We hope this won’t be accompanied by gang violence. […]

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The summer has been anything but dull in Morningside Heights. Perhaps the biggest news of all was the closing of H&H bagels, just downriver at 80th St. H&H was frequently cited as the top rival to our clearly superior Absolute for the best bagels on the Upper West Side, if not the entire city. Perhaps […]

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A too-little, too-late (too-gross) allusion to shock porn? We would never! And we resent the accusation. No, this is just our new sometimes-weekly feature about two very hungry girls (Diana Clarke and Carly Silver) trying to share big mouthfuls of one snack. Barring more euphemisms, we thought it necessary to introduce this feature in light […]

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  On Monday, Le Monde, that little corner of Paris in Morningside, will augment their menu for a week-long Pig Frites Festival. Besides their usual fare, they’ll feature a variety of exotic pork related dishes, including “Bacon Ice Cream with caramelized apples and chocolate dipped bacon ($6).” (!!) This is old news apparently, but it’s […]

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Five Guys Goes Live

At 11:10 this morning, 5 Guys finally opened their doors. A handful of eager things-between-buns enthusiasts were waiting to be let in, while the owner apparently dealt with last minute issues with his landlord. In any event, the place looks, well, fine. It’s spacious and airy, but the decor is pretty minimal and inexpensive. Let’s […]

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For some coffee is merely caffeine fuel, for others it’s an art form. Critic Jason Bell, of last year’s famed food feud, investigates… As two employees fiddle with an iPad, unsuccessfully attempting to ring up an order, a third grinds coffee beans in slow motion, chatting with her friends. At Columbia’s outpost of Joe, getting […]

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Oprah makes dreams happen: Columbia crew kids turned chocolatiers snagged an Oprah endorsement and hit it big. Grab your Salsabol and Chocomize bar, and you’ll have a veritable feast courtesy of Columbia’s culinary innovators. Plans for community garden at Frederick Douglass Houses thwarted by management. Bureaucracy: it’s not just at Columbia! Gerald Lesser, chief Sesame […]

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Morningside has food niches vacated and sort-of filled every few years. AmCaf, beloved steak sandwich locale in the early aughts, became a fancy tapas bar that no one you know eats at. The fabled West End became mediocre Havana Central, a shadow of its former Kerouac-hosting, drunk-makeout-and-beer-pong-haven self. You could get full and drunk for […]

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A Peek Inside Vareli

A very hungry Bwog stopped by Vareli a few minutes ago and learned it isn’t officially open until Monday. Still, last night, Laura Gabriele crossed the street from her usual perch at Campo and gave Bwog a preview. She received a grand tour tonight from manager Nicholas Belegrinos: “The venue features a bar/lounge area which […]

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New Food: It Exists!

It’s safe to say that Morningside Heights is the culinary center of America. Hey, JK! Since the Pinnacle Incident made everyone debate the merits of Cracker Barrel, Bwog is here to quell your foodie nerves: there are new options! The Morningside food openings, renovations, and gossip: The vacant storefront formerly known as Empanada Joe’s has […]

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The Sunday Times recommends Morningside Heights restaurants on Amsterdam. It’s like a Bizarro Broadway– just replace drunk undergrads with sober SIPA students, Riverside Park with Morningside, and bad food with good.

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