Get to know the people behind that weird class of 2020 GroupMe from April! They are now, for the most part, well-adjusted, productive members of the Columbia community, trying to keep up with Lit Hum readings, like any other normal student. We had a frank conversation with two of the members of Lion Order [lion […]
It’s Friday, the sixth day of NSOP, and you’re so tired you feel jet lagged…what did you do last night? When did you stumble back to bed? Why did you wake up at 9 am for that free yoga class? Even if you did none of these things, you’re probably confused, disoriented, nursing a headache, […]
NSOP is just two weeks from now! If you haven’t heard, this year’s theme is NSOP Out Loud. If the NSOP Committee’s promo video is any indication, first-years will be expected to take a bunch of Snapchat videos, hopefully making friends along the way. Undergraduate Student Life released the schedules for all undergraduate NSOP’s this […]
Reviving an old Bwog concept, we’re compiling the best—to the worst—of Columbia this past year. See where your victories and failures rank on our Power Rankings. The end of the year brings many fortunes for Columbia’s most visible groups. While the promise of a bright future invigorates new student groups and initiatives, the lull of […]
The fourth in our freshpeople housing reviews 2016 series, Bwog gives you the inside scoop on Sulzberger Hall–different from Sulzberger Tower, an upperclassmen dorm attached to the top 8 floors of Sulz Hall. Fond residents refer to it as “Sulz,” meaning no one really knows how to spell the “berger” part (u or e?). Location: […]
You told everyone that you were shocked that you even got into Columbia because you started the application the day before it was due. You didn’t study for any of your AP exams and were actually high when you took the SAT. You regularly check your Instagram unfollower app and like to hang out with […]
It’s an exciting year for prospective college students: several young women at the forefront of culture are applying to college, and the Class of 2020 has latched on to the hope that Malia Obama will be among their classmates next year. Some have gotten so excited about this idea, they’ve taken to the Class of 2020 […]
Congratulations to a new class of Barnard women! Yesterday evening, Barnard sent out its decisions to regular decision applicants of the class of 2020. This year, Barnard received a total of 7,071 applications, and admitted a total of 16% of them, the lowest admission rate in the college’s history. This new record is a significant decrease from last […]
Focus Series Kickoff: Lareina Yee ’95 On Navigating The Modern Workplace
February 4, 2025Focus Series Kickoff: Lareina Yee ’95 On Navigating The Modern Workplace
February 4, 2025Focus Series Kickoff: Lareina Yee ’95 On Navigating The Modern Workplace
February 4, 2025Uncovering The Mysteries Of Schermerhorn Hall
February 3, 2025