Well we’re giving them some anyway in light of the dapper gentleman they’ve chosen as their poster child (maybe Andy Samberg helped pick out the picture?). Oh, and their catchphrase is kinda clever in an inadvertently self-negating kind of way… Also featured on CUCR posters for Friday’s Horowitz visitation: a man hanging from a rope and […]
Islamo-fascist Awareness Week is almost upon us, but it seems that promised guest Sean Hannity won’t be among the celebrants. From a College Republicans listserv e-mail: “Unfortunately, while Sean Hannity has been promoting his appearance at Columbia for weeks now and wants very much to come to our campus, there has been a serious illness […]
“Columbus was a criminal,” bellowed Hakim from the Low Steps mere moments ago. Disagree!, reply the College Republicans, who are grilling burgers and hot dogs for their fellow Columbus Day celebrants. Yet CUGOP president Chris Kulawik, C ’08 emphasized that they are not “celebrating” Columbus per se: “we’re just recognizing it’s a national holiday” he said, […]
A few details from the Ahmadinejad event have just come to light: although the College Republicans are very good about getting themselves on TV, talking with their fellow students has proven more difficult. According to Columbia Coalition organizers, they didn’t show up for their scheduled speaking slot. And after the event, they were nowhere to […]
Bwog believes that you should absolutely judge a group by its flyers, and with recruitment posters blanketing campus, there are a lot of pre-judgments to make. But even if you’re not considering joining any, you can at least appreciate what they say about the state of national politics, and how the clubs themselves are doing. […]
We heard earlier today that the College Republicans had brought a bunch of black balloons out to the Sundial to “commemorate” May Day (traditionally a celebration of pagan ritual, the workers movement, and loyalty) while a band of merry activists subwayed it down to a march for equal rights in Chinatown. This is how adorable […]
As if the fountains on Low Plaza didn’t provide enough innuendo for passersby, a fifty foot “rocket” suddenly materialized between them this morning. Who, you may ask, felt starved for such salacious symbolism? Why, the College Dems, Repubicans, and LionPAC, who teamed up to inflate what’s supposed to be, according to their press release, a […]
Last night, the Columbia Republicans and Democrats met in Hamilton for a debate on energy policy. Karen Leung has this piquant dispatch (all opinions are her own–read Spec for the bland version). The best moments of political analysis at last night’s energy policy debate came from Tedde Tsang, who spoke to no one. Tsang, three […]
After their second body meeting on the subject, on Tuesday evening the Dems endorsed Senator Russ Feingold’s plan for withdrawal from Iraq within six months of the bill’s passage, defeating the Obama plan by a healthy two-thirds majority of members present. Now they’re planning a big wing ding for March 20–the fourth anniversary of the […]
Bwog would be covering the State of the Union, but we decided to outsource it to the Dems and watch Veronica Mars instead. Meanwhile, political junkies watch it in the Lerner Piano Lounge. It’s jointly sponsored by the Dems and the Republicans–stand, applaud, sit, repeat! – LBD
Just when you thought the dialogue around Columbia’s sexual atmosphere couldn’t get any worse…Ann Coulter got involved. Today on FOX News, Bwog’s favorite channel, she opined (click for video!) on the Daily News “report” “exposing” our “creepy” carnal persuits. Money quotes: “I really think you should get a picture of some of these [S&M] clubs and a […]
Item! Last night, the Dems and CPU hosted a dinner with leaders of campus political groups in the James Room of Barnard Hall to “foster intergroup cooperation.” Bwog’s request to attend was politely denied, but organizers graciously provided the list of those in attendance: besides the Dems and CPU, representatives from the College Libertarians, LionPAC, […]
The College Republicans are up to provocative hijinks, and the media is in an uproar. Another controversy for Alma Mater to be swept under the proverbial rug of genial administrative smiles and cautiously-worded PrezBo emails? Alas, the honor of this scandal belongs to no sons of Knickerbocker, but has been conferred upon intrepid students at none other […]
An anonymous College Republican passed on the club’s new logowear design below. Bwog is quaking in its boots.
Item! Karl Rove is a fan of Bwog’s favorite history professor, Eric Foner. According to a 2003 New Yorker profile by Journalism School dean Nick Lemann: “Rove’s favorite book at the time [1984] was Eric Foner’s Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men, a history of the early days of the Republican Party, which he read less […]
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