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Posts Tagged with "columbia spectator"

You might not know the following figure–but you should.  In Campus Characters, The Blue and White introduces you to a handful of Columbians who are up to interesting and extraordinary things and whose stories beg to be shared.  If you’d like to suggest a Campus Character, send us an email at ”After Buffalo, anything was […]

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Bwoglines: Buildings

The J-School steals a mixed-media mastermind away from The Guardian. (Wired) Want to be an eminent domain holdout? The Times lists places you might consider moving to. Gentrification is upon us! (and guilty liberals complain). (Spec) The L Hostel in Harlem was shut down by the city. (Gothamist) photo via flickr/paraflyer

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Today is a Snow Day! (except for the Business School)! Columbia was apparently mentioned as superior to Kenyon College off-camera on the Daily Show. The MTA is “trying very much” not to increase fares this year. (Gothamist) Hey, you know what’s cool? Meatpacking District nightclubs. (Spec) The Spectator wants to know where it’s going to […]

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More Bwog, more love. Our latest eligible bachelors are Carl Majeau, CC ’13 and Ben Cotton, CC ’11. Email to get set up. Name / Year / School / Major: Carl Majeau / 2013 / Columbia College / Physics/Music Preference (guy for guy, etc.): Guy for girl Hometown: Seattle Your dream date in seven […]

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Here we go again: the Spectator is currently planning an overhaul of their website (for those curious, it’ll be the third such overhaul in four years). An email to Spec staff reveals that the new homepage will squash all of their current Splogs (check out our coverage here) into one giant mega-Splog to supplement the […]

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Spec The New Spec

Word has reached Bwog’s ears that our dead tree friends on the west side of Broadway have named their next managing board (#134!). According to tipsters, current Spectator design editor Ben Cotton will be the new editor-in-chief, while The Eye editor Thomas Rhiel will join him as managing editor. More to follow when more names […]

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They’re Ba-ack

After almost forty-eight hours of capital-d Drama, the Spectator‘s website is back up. No noticeable changes, and both sides are still not commenting for legal reasons.  Oh, and hi Gothamist! UPDATE (11:30 PM): Spec‘s editors have published an “Editor’s Note”: The Columbia Daily Spectator Web site was down from Friday, October 16th until Sunday, October […]

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Those hoping for the Spec site to return will be happy to hear that, according to editor-in-chief Melissa Repko, “the website should be back up again in the next 24 hours.” In the meantime, though, tipsters have provided a more complete picture of what brought the site down.  According to sources, a group of managing […]

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Visitors to the Spec‘s website might find the front page looking a little lacking in content.   Rather than the first step in a makeover, tipsters tell us that there’s “some serious internal – and possibly legal – drama going down.” Spec editor-in-chief Melissa Repko declined comment on advice of lawyers, and online editor Ryan […]

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Late-breaking news for music fans: Talib Kweli will be part of this year’s Bacchanal. A tipster noted earlier today that his website listed a show at Columbia on April 18th, and Bacchanal board members confirmed this evening that the MC will be one of the artists. No word was forthcoming, though, on who the other […]

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Deal with housing Pay $2.50 to ride the subway Think about life after graduation Prepare for a grim Columbia baseball season just when it was starting to get nice out Read another Spec columnist complain about Bwog. This week: why does Bwog let everyone write those comment things?

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Bwog Daily Editor and Fervent Snazzy Attire Supporter Julia Mix Barrington stopped by the Spectator’s Blue Pencil Dinner last night.  The keynote speaker was Dean Baquet, former editor-in-chief of The Los Angeles Times, who currently works for The New York Times.  Dean Baquet | Image via The Blue Pencil Lecture — an evening of […]

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Why, look, the Spec has a new set of columnists! Hoping to end the association of the Spec opinion pages and giant penises are:  Monday: Eric Hirsch (CC ’09, former associate editor of AdHoc), Philip Petrov (CC ’09, literary editor of The Current) Tuesday: MaryAlice Parks (CC ’09, member of CUPlayers and a coordinator of […]

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Gather ye rosebuds Columbia, it’s time to wish a fond farewell to the 132nd Executive Board of the Columbia Daily Spectator.  Bwog offers a hearty congratulations to outgoing Editor in Chief Tom Faure, Publisher Manal Alam, Managing Editor Amanda Sebba and the entirety of their staffs for all the fine work they’ve done this year. […]

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Barnard housing for the win!  But still not quite able to let Columbians in. CTV is going for broke… While CU Snacks goes up in smoke. Help us win more! the Spectator cries Nothing to see here, the Ivy League lies

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
Gavin McInnes, Founder Of The Proud Boys, Seen On Columbia’s Campus On Wednesday
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
May 30, 2024

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