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Posts Tagged with "community impact"

Earlier today, a tipster spotted a questionable cardboard cutout next to the Community Impact table on Low. We think Community Impact does good work, but someone definitely should have looked twice at their marketing campaign.

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Fast Free Food

If you act quickly enough (read: start moving now), you can make tonight’s free food event, a.k.a. Community Impact’s Open House. Get your monthly exercise in by running to Earl Hall for free pizza, coffee, and cupcakes (remember, it’s our birthday). The event lasts until 8:30 and, you know, you might even help out the […]

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All The Free Food

If you’re craving not one, but three free pizza dinners, tonight is your lucky night. Here’s how to triple score: Mosey on down to Earl Hall anytime from 6 to 9 pm, where you can hear the Community Impact Open House offer information about their 28 groups, discover community service opportunities, and obviously eat pizza while learning. […]

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Make your way over to Earl Hall  between 6-8 PM to snag some delicious free food, vegetarian options and desserts included. There’ll be some live music in the lobby in the spirit of Community Impact’s big spring semester volunteer recruitment event. Community Impact is partnering with the University Chaplain for a joint Open House to teach you about […]

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Community Impact, the university’s largest service organization (and cause for a great schmooze-fest at PrezBo’s mansion last semester) is holding an open house tonight in Earl Hall from 6 pm to 9 pm. They promise copious amounts of free food as well as live music in the lobby, all in the hopes of wooing you […]

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Today, from 4 to 6 pm, Prezbo held a “Garden Party” to celebrate 30 years of Community Impact tutoring children and adults, conducting health outreach, and generally working to improve the community. It was pretty swanky. Waiters who could have doubled as J-Crew models served hors d’œuvres of all kinds. The duck-and-apricot satchels titillated the taste […]

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F@CU Makes It Rain

Today is a big day! F@CU has just released their 2010-2011 allocations for your governing boards. Let’s talk big numbers and little percentages, shall we? Activities Board: $393,459 granted, 7.4% increase from last year, 4.4% cut from requested allocation, which was $411,568 Club Sports Governing Board: $206,200 granted, 17% increase from last year’s allocation, $213,800 […]

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Every year, the various governing boards show off cool Power Points and generally grovel before the Funding at Columbia University committee (known by the almost-scandalous abbreviation F@CU) for a nice cut of your student life fees. This year’s numbers were just released, and the various allocations are as follows: Activities Board at Columbia: $366,303.61 ($413,607.22 […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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