This weekend’s Days On Campus (damn you SEAS for getting the real weekend nights) coincides perfectly with 4/20, some actually slightly spring weather (maybe…) and generally the last weekend before finals start to kick in. What does that mean? That you should be showing your prospie an excellent time, *not* making them sleep on your […]
Live music, name tag chains, sauntering parents, and teenaged strangers in your hall bathrooms—it’s Days on Campus part one, people! Part deux is next weekend. Relive your prefrosh misadventures with the full schedule below: More like dazed on campus, amirite via Wikimedia Commons
In honor of the annual Days on Campus College Days celebration, the CCSC Campus Life Committee is showcasing various photographs of the Columbia of yesteryear, a screening of Spiderman, and providing tons of free snacks in front of the steps of Low right now. This day really couldn’t have gotten any better. Stop whatever you’re […]
If a picture is worth 1000 words, please enjoy this 7000 word post! Columbia has rarely looked nicer than it did today; Spring has truly sprung.
Greetings, prospective Columbians! Bwog hopes that you’re ready to enjoy an amuse-bouche of college life this weekend. And by a stroke of good fortune, you’ll be experiencing completely typical weather conditions, quality of life, and level of general satisfaction! Right, everyone? Right. On Thursday, we reposted our beloved and authoritative guide, “How to Scar Your […]
A tipster overheard the following at the Amsterdam gates: Days on Campus Host student: “The kid’s gotta know what college is really like! Which is me, drunk, all weekend!” Which reminds us, Days on Campus begins this weekend, raising many questions. What will you do with them? What will they do with you? And most importantly, […]
They came, they saw, they clung to their nametags. We’re sure we conquered their hearts and minds with our extremely desirable and hip aloofness, sporadically pleasant weather and immaculate study habits… But really though? More likely you did one of the following things, because you were amused by their fresh-faced naïveté, and took a sick […]
Your standard brownies, mediocre sammiches, and soft beverages outside Roone now for Days on Campus.
If you don’t like to tell the truth! Brownies, blondies, cookies, and their accompanying crumbs outside Roone right now for a Days on Campus event. Just look like you don’t even know what’s going on!
Spotted: Anthony Da Costa–the most electrifying thing to happen to acoustic guitar since actual electric guitars–at the Days on Campus activities fair, currently in Roone. Says he’s definitely headed to Columbia in the fall, and has his sights set on living in John Jay. (Ladies, take note.) Plus: he’s walking around with his mom–be still […]
The Eye maintains that the following things suck: Days on Campus sucks. No, seriously, Days on Campus sucks. And it lies to you. Conspicuous consumption sucks. (Unless it’s a $355 bikini.) Passover does not suck. But Wikipedia … does?
If you missed the hundreds of high school seniors roaming around campus today, know that there are three more Days on Campus event left. And that while the afternoon barbeque is guarded, the breakfast buffet is not. While it’s all fun and games and stealing food for us, the Class of 2006/2010 is making some […]
A Review Of Upside Pizza
March 11, 2025Columbia Alum And Palestinian Activist Mahmoud Khalil Detained By ICE
March 11, 2025Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025