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So it’s the middle of August, the Sunday of summer. As you wind down your internships and wild international adventures, we welcome back our end-of-summer series on where we spend our time and what home is to us this summer. Want to be part of the fun (did you mean: childhood nostalgia)? Send your Houses […]

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After a seven-month search, Barnard has a new president. Sian Leah Beilock, a former professor of Psychology and Executive Vice Provost at University of Chicago who focused on women’s success in STEM fields and performance under pressure in sports, will serve as Barnard’s eighth President beginning this fall. Beilock has won numerous accolades, including the 2017 Troland […]

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Your Senior Night plans are cancelled. Bernheim and Schwartz will close its doors indefinitely tomorrow, April 30, 2017, after just three years in Morningside Heights. Despite serving only a short tenure on campus, Bernheim had established itself as many seniors’ weekly Wednesday night plans, a decent place for a giant pretzel, and a hard-ass on fakes. We wonder […]

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At the last Athena Power Talk of the semester, the Barnard’s Athena Center welcome Irin Carmon to discuss her career thus far. As one of the co-authors of The Notorious RBG and a ex-correspondent at MSNBC, specializing in gender in politics. Bwog Deputy Editor Mia Lindheimer covers the event. When Ruth Bader Ginsburg is wearing […]

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As a student body, we spend a lot of time hating on our school. The administration, social structures, and other problematic things on our campus often put us in a negative rut. Today, Bwog wants to switch perspective and focus on the pure greatness around us. Specifically, can we just talk about how amazing our […]

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616 is the Goldilocks of the 600’s; not all doubles, not all singles, not too close to Broadway, but not too far either. If you’re looking for a crowd-pleaser, 616 might be your best bet. Location: 616 W 116th St, basically at the intersection of 116th and Claremont. Nearby Dorms: 600, 620, Claremont, Elliot, Barnard Quad, Schapiro, […]

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Our next housing review is for one of Barnard’s most conveniently located dorms (for students, but also for mice). Hardwood floors and detailed walls lend it more charm than its linoleum-floored counterparts. 600 is the community suiteheart (haha), bringing people closer together (good luck getting a single) with large suites and a pretty face.  Location: 600 W […]

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After about a year of negotiations, BCF-UAW reached a tentative contractual agreement with Barnard College late Wednesday night. This contract means that BCF will no longer strike on the strike deadline of next Tuesday, February 21. While limited information about the details of the contract were originally available, President Debora Spar released some details a […]

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Thursday night, Columbia Organization of Rising Entrepreneurs hosted Arianna Huffington and DJ Khaled in a discussion of his new book, The Keys. The book provides readers with DJ Khaled’s modern philosophy on success. Deputy Editor Mia Lindheimer covers the event. Let me be clear: I didn’t follow DJ Khaled on Snapchat until I was standing in line for this […]

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We love to hate on career fairs but have to admit they’re pretty useful for finding that summer internship you thought was hopeless, or at least snagging a free water bottle (or five). Deputy Editor Mia Lindheimer noticed something a little fishy about CCE’s Engineering Career Fair, and she’s here to call them out.  If you’re in […]

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Almost exactly six months ago, we attempted to teach Bwogger Nadra Rahman how to ride a bike on Zagster bikes, a new bikeshare on campus. About a week ago, a few other Bwoggers decided to give Zagster bikes a try. Deputy Editor Mia Lindheimer reports on her experience. Unlike another certain Bwogger and bike-reviewer, I am […]

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If you haven’t sent in your application for Daily Editor yet, now is your last chance to #RushBwog (in this capacity, at least)! Apply by 11:59pm tonight to be considered for the position. Daily Editors have a fantastic opportunity to start a career at Bwog with a real leadership position–you’ll essentially be in charge of scheduling […]

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How do you introduce yourself to the people with whom you might spend the next four years of your life? Act as normal as possible. Be cool. Don’t stand out too much, but make sure you stand out just enough. Who are these prospies, who want friends so badly but won’t risk embarrassing themselves in the baby stages? […]

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On Monday evening, the SGA town hall attracted staff writer Mia Lindheimer – mostly due to the free Thai Market. Little did she know, her eyes would be opened to one of the most heated debates on campus: the Barnard-Columbia relationship. Do we all attend the same “university”? Yes. Are we separate colleges? Yes. So where does […]

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This year, SGA revises its constitution. This week, they revise the procedure for revising, among a few other policies. What does that even mean? Mia Lindheimer tries to find out.  This week’s SGA meeting opened with a presentation from Abby Porter (CC ’17) of Coalition Against Sexual Violence (CASV), a Columbia club with zero members […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
Gavin McInnes, Founder Of The Proud Boys, Seen On Columbia’s Campus On Wednesday
May 30, 2024
She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
May 30, 2024

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