In this week’s Cooking with Bwog, Master Chef Matt Powell faces a special difficulty on his quest for culinary dorm conquest. To cook a main course without a carb. Gone were the noodles, the rice, the quinoa, and couscous. I didn’t have any additional cookware this time around, and just a few random ingredients (clementines, […]
In this week’s Cooking with Bwog, our resident poultry and pesto preparer Matt Powell shows you how to roast a whole quail. Bwog can personally attest to the fact that this dish tastes dazzling! But, if you think this is just too complicated, just wait. Your time will come—next week: Good Ol’ Fashioned Mac ‘n’ Cheese! Whole […]
Hate Letter: An Elegy Rueing This Crowded Campus
December 1, 2024Hate Letter: An Elegy Rueing This Crowded Campus
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November 24, 2024