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Posts Tagged with "dorm chef challenge"

Hello! It’s time for a fun little cooking with Bwog! Except, I’m in a dorm room. And this is not allowed. Te hee. 

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Life gives you ramen, Matt Powell gives you a gourmet dinner. When Zach told me that his kitchen consisted mostly of dried goods, I was thinking beans, rice, pasta, quinoa. But what I found was a giant crate of ramen! It was kind of ridiculous. Then, I found out that Zach invited 5 friends for […]

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In this week’s Cooking with Bwog, Master Chef Matt Powell faces a special difficulty on his quest for culinary dorm conquest. To cook a main course without a carb. Gone were the noodles, the rice, the quinoa, and couscous. I didn’t have any additional cookware this time around, and just a few random ingredients (clementines, […]

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Survivorchef Matt Powell descends into the depths of McBain armed with just a 10-inch skillet and crème fraiche to prepare a meal for Daily Editor Alexandra Svokos in the latest installment of Bwog’s Dorm Chef Challenge. I have a confession to make: I have never been to McBain. All I know of the place is […]

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In the past, we’ve covered the spectrum of cooking all the way from the cooking essentials to Morningside’s exquisite dishes. Last week we showed you how to whip together a mean white wine pasta. For our third installment of  Cooking with Bwog’s dorm chef challenge, we sent our campus-trotting chef Matt Powell to the kitchen […]

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