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Posts Tagged with "Dribkgin Wit Hbwog"

So it’s finals times and you say you won’t be drinking?  Yeah, we totally believe you.  Just in case you want to—you know—live vicariously through our brilliant prose, we bequeath unto you Drinking with Bwog: Finals Edition.  Read responsibly! There’s nothing like a good group study session to prepare for LitHum and CC.  Get your […]

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If there’s one thing we’ve learned at Columbia, it’s how to make the most out of the least—as PrezBo himself once never said, “When life gives you lemons, make a weird gin cocktail in an empty lemonade bottle and bring it to South Lawn.” So in the spirit of efficiency and maximizing resources and cutting off […]

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Once again Bwog is here to help you begin your weekend celebrations.  We have a feeling some of you seniors might have some leftover beer from certain festivities last night, so here are some very simple options of what to do with it: Brass Monkey: 1 part orange juice 2 parts malt liquor The Monkey […]

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Bwog wants you to soak in the warm weather, appreciate the fact you don’t live in a post-apocalyptic America, and enjoy the sun as long as possible before it’s July and you’re passing out every 10 minutes because it’s a million degrees.  With this in mind, take the rest of your day off and stay hydrated. […]

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Valentine’s Day is fast approaching but don’t fret: the lovely people over at Columbia Bartending Agency are here to make you come…to the bar.  Experience something special – you can do it yourself or find someone to do it for you.  Here we have a drink to make you blush while ordering, and leave your […]

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  Every week, CBA continues on their quest to mess you up.  Upset about this morning’s spotted shadow?  Matt Kalish is here to help you forget all about it… Happy Groundhog Day, Columbia!  Most of the notable groundhogs who emerged this morning, including Staten Island Chuck, told us what we could have told them weeks […]

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Every week the Columbia Bartending Agency does their best to get you crunk.  This week, Lauren Alpert does her best to get you to try something new – but don’t blame her if you end up dancing with the devil on a table at Havana’s. Daunted by the endless opportunities presented by a fully-stocked bar, many people […]

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The return of classes does have a silver lining: the return of weekends!  Every Thursday your lovely pals at the Columbia Bartending Agency provide you with new ways to forget everything you learned during the week.  This week, Matt Kalish transports you to a better place. As the new semester rolls in along with the cold […]

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Every week your friends at the Columbia Bartending Association outfit you with a topical, alcoholic accouterment. Wrestling with Rousseau this weekend on that CC paper? Wrestle drunk! It’s my favorite time of year again. I wish I was basking in the Christmas and New Year’s spirit already, but one last battle remains before the holidays: finals. Can’t […]

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Every week The Columbia Bartending Agency provides protips on how to get your crunk on with greater style, precision, and knowledge. In preparation for the final weekend before finals sink their fangs your our soul, learn something about your pal, tequila. Although the next few weeks will be dominated by information overload, we thought it would […]

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“Is it just me, or was this, like, the worst week ever?” You may ask yourself this question every week, but that doesn’t mean you haven’t earned your Thursday night cocktail. In this edition of Drinking with Bwog, learn to celebrate the season with the Kentucky Fried Turkey. CBA bartender and Thanksgiving enthusiast Lauren Alpert […]

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Drinking With Bwog

After an abbreviated week, thirsty Thursday is upon us again. The Columbia Bartending Agency brings you a new way to quench yourself in Drinking with Bwog. This week, the impeccable Elliot Grieco explains how to pop bottles like a gentleman. Whether because you just got that job offer or you have had your 16th application rejected, any […]

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Every week the best and brightest from the Columbia Bartending Agency bring you a new drink in Drinking with Bwog. While nary a snowflake remains on campus, this week’s beverage is sure to be a great way to start your fall break. Tonight’s drink was shaken by Matt Kalish. We were all dreaming of a white […]

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Drinking with Bwog is brought to you by the Columbia Bartending Agency. This week we attempt to pull you out of your midterm graves with a little bit of undead magic. Tonight’s drink was concocted by Elliot Grieco. Ready your shovels. In the spirit of a spooky season, we wanted to share with you a thematic […]

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You have half a semester’s reading to catch up on before that midterm, you’re not quite reaching those lofty goals you set for the semester, its getting cold, and you don’t know what to do. For this installment of Drinking with Bwog, The Columbia Bartending Agency’s Matt Kalish brings you one method of dealing with […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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