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Posts Tagged with "only the strong survive registration"

Class registration for Fall semester is under way, starting today for you rising seniors. Instructions sponsored by Kendrick Lamar: Check SSOL for your appointment times. Drank. Go to CULPA to get more info. Drank.  Use the University Bulletin to get useless info. Drank.  Set your schedule using ADI’s helpful tool.  Pass out. Drank. Pass out. Drank. A […]

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Registration has never been particularly kind to the Creative Writing Department. Students apply for workshops right before the semester starts and have to get an Add/Drop form signed and brought to Kent, conveniently right downstairs from CW classes! the CSA. It’s not uncommon to hear complaints of a $15 “late registration” fee charged on top of tuition […]

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Shit, registration’s this week. Guess we should pick back up on this PE Madness thing. After the thrilling Sweet 16, the quarterfinals similarly saw some upsets and triumphs, all on their way to be number one. Round Three Results:

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Another month, another round-up of Columbia-centric news.  We’re almost back in action, kittens, so rest up till September. To ease registration pains, Columbia added a “Wish List” feature that automatically enrolls you in the classes you choose during your registration slot, and you’ll be able to see course syllabi a few days before registration as […]

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It’s Not Just You

Update: And we’re back! Go forth and choose. The bulletin is down for everyone. Or at least for us. At least you have another few minutes to choose between Medieval Literature and that Beginning Fiction workshop you decided on spontaneously. Sad faces all around.   panda not registering via Wikimedia

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Big schedule changes are in the pipes for Fall 2012, Columbia. Bottom line is that 8:40 am lectures and 8:00 am sections will exist. Today’s email from the Registrar is after the jump. Yesterday, Bwog met about the change with Barry Kane, Associate Vice President and University Registrar, and Margaret Edsall, Associate Vice President for Academic […]

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The return of classes does have a silver lining: the return of weekends!  Every Thursday your lovely pals at the Columbia Bartending Agency provide you with new ways to forget everything you learned during the week.  This week, Matt Kalish transports you to a better place. As the new semester rolls in along with the cold […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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