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Posts Tagged with "it’s way better than the Nikolai and juice stolen from your roommate you were planning on drinking"

It’s Thursday night, friends and lovers.  Here, CBA-er Jerry Rivera, GS ’14, gives you a 2for1 special: dinner and drinks. Growing up in Arizona, there was one thing I never lacked: Mexican food.  Hole-in-the-wall restaurants and food trucks litter every street corner and serve plates teeming with rice, beans, and an assortment of grilled meats at […]

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And now we introduce you to the Columbia Bartending Agency.  Here we have Managing Director Talia Savitskaya, Operations Manager Ethan Fudge, and Agency Manager Tom Reidy. Bwog: CBA is basically completely student run, yes? Talia: It’s run by the Center for Career Education.  They do it to provide jobs for the students–students run it and […]

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Welcome back, everyone!  It’s Thursday and you know what that means: it’s time for Drinking With Bwog. This week, we want to celebrate each of the returning classes.  Try out these fab drinks, designed by your super-knowledgable Bwog staff to fit what you probably have in your room right now. The NSLOPPY Nikolai Bacardi Orange […]

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It’s midterm season. The jolly japes of February have come to an end. There’s no leap day to cheer, no Olympics for another year. The craziness of the Oscars has finished, and the madness of March has yet to come. Long story short, there’s close no reason to drink – and what better reason to […]

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Classes are finally over this Monday–isn’t that swell?  Well, we s’pose it would be if there weren’t no pesky finals and papers to finish off.  But don’t worry, baby, your folks at Drinking with Bwog, New York’s hottest speakeasy, are here to make sure everything’s fine and ducky.  Don’t let prohibition reading week stop you […]

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Every week the Columbia Bartending Agency does their best to get you crunk.  This week, Lauren Alpert does her best to get you to try something new – but don’t blame her if you end up dancing with the devil on a table at Havana’s. Daunted by the endless opportunities presented by a fully-stocked bar, many people […]

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The return of classes does have a silver lining: the return of weekends!  Every Thursday your lovely pals at the Columbia Bartending Agency provide you with new ways to forget everything you learned during the week.  This week, Matt Kalish transports you to a better place. As the new semester rolls in along with the cold […]

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‘Sup dudes. It’s basically the last week of classes, which means it’s time to bro’ out like nobody’s business. Drinking with Bwog can assist you with that. Read on as His Royal Dudeness Elliott Grieco of the Columbia Bartending Agency teaches you how to make the dudest of all drinks—the White Russian. Hey, man. I […]

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With just one week of classes to go, tonight will mark the beginning of a week of “last” hurrahs. We want you to cherish these nights, and Drinking with Bwog is here to help. Let the Columbia Bartending Agency teach you how to make a drink that’s sure to start off your weekend with a […]

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From some reason, some people feel really uncomfortable about sitting down at a bar and asking the bartender for a Blowjob. It’s sad really, because the Blowjob is a fantastically delicious shot that is as fun as it is messy. But in case you can’t bring yourself to order it at a bar, we’ve got […]

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After trips to Moscow and Mongolia, Drinking with Bwog has just returned a little “lazier” from Jamaica to bring you its new favorite shot—the flaming Bob Marley. The Columbia Bartending Agency’s resident Rastafarian Matt Kalish shows you how to make it! With all this talk about Snoop and the Abacchalypse, I figured that it was […]

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To the thirstiest of our friends, never fear. Drinking with Bwog has returned—with a Russian accent! Read on as the Columbia Bartending Agency’s Slavic enthusiast Nick Miyares teaches you how to get your drink on with a Eurasian twist. Although not among the stiffer drinks, the Moscow Mule still gets the job done—don’t mistake the deceptively […]

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It’s the first weekend back at school—time to say goodbye to spring break, meet up with your friends and try to forget about the next round of papers already due next week. Below, one of Bwog’s drinking companions, Eva Suarez, CC ’13, offers a decidedly uncomplicated drink recipe—The Sidewalk Slam—with all of its ingredients available […]

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After a few unfortunate experiences with a certain caffeinated alcoholic beverage last semester, we at Bwog decided to turn over a new leaf. Our New Year’s Resolution? Keep it classy, baby. Indeed, Bwog has been sharing our appreciation of the more refined tastes of the Columbia culinary community for quite a while now. Today, however, we […]

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