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Posts Tagged with "Gossip Girl"

Have you ever found yourself on College Walk wondering how—and where—Serena and Blair spent their time at Columbia? This guide is for you.

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Does walking around Columbia in the fall make you want to embody Blake Lively in 2008? Keep walking. There might be better options.

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While originally suspicious of any e-mail tip regarding a “Three-Minute Shower Challenge” event, we were happy to read on and learn that the one taking place this afternoon will be both child-friendly and teeming with smoothies. Masturbation jokes aside, it’s Earth day tomorrow, which means that you should start celebrating today. And you can do so […]

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Phew, now that we’ve gotten that Gossip Girl headline out of our (collective) system, we can go on Bwogging until the urge strikes again. No, but seriously—if you’re looking for a barely worn Columbia Masters Ceremony graduation gown, have we got the deal for you! Check out this overseen Craigslist ad to work out the […]

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The beautiful people of Gossip Girl have been here before. And they’re here again, this time in and outside of Riverside Church. Apparently they’ve been filming since Tuesday, from 6 am to 10 pm. That means you’ve got the rest of tonight plus Thursday and Friday to gawk to your heart’s content.

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Before you read this, click play on the video below. Remember that day when we all maybe thought that Barnard would be written into the Gossip Girl plotline and they’d film at Barnard all the time and everything would be pretty much the same, except some people would be excited but most people would be […]

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Paparazzi on Claremont! Nate, Blair and Chuck were talking to each other off-set, just like regular friends do! Update: Leighton Meester spotted from behind the bushes

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During filming, a Bwogger approached a GG tech person and asked which characters were coming to Barnard. “None of them,” the tech-lady replied. “We’re just pretending they go to Columbia.” UPDATE: More pictures from the filming, this time of Serena (!) thanks to the quick lenswork of Elissa Mendez-Renk:

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XOXO, Altschul

Columbia and Gossip Girl have been pals for a while. There was the time that real-life Blake Lively was going to take classes here. There was that great episode “New Haven Can Wait” (relentless, GG, relentless!) filmed on campus that the CW pretended was Yale. Then they filmed all around campus all the time, and […]

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Here is some news: the Emporio Armani Fall/Winter 2011/2012 ad campaign is public! Here is why that news is sort of relevant: those ads were all shot on our fair campus mere months ago! Take a look: there’s the model shrouded in smoke wearing all black next to a building that looks like Uris, the […]

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Tha Heights is the Cinema Capital of the Universe. First Law and Order, then Gossip Girl, now Law and Order again! Mystery, intrigue, crime and punishment: Law and Order Criminal Intent is filming at UTS today.

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The beautiful people of Gossip Girl have returned to campus. The cast and crew are set up and shooting on 116th near Claremont, and tipsters are abuzz with sightings of “good ol’ Blair Waldorf” (who, we might suggest, looks like a yellow Carmen Sandiego) and “Lacrosse Hottie and Actor-Extrodinare Chase Crawford” giving “a performance for […]

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Evidence: (1) There was actually a giant Earth on Low Plaza today, brought to you by Global Brigades, which will be holding information sessions with free food tonight in Earl Hall at 7:30pm and 9:00pm. (2) Gossip Girl is set up at on Claremont Ave. near 120th St., perhaps poised to shoot on campus. (3) […]

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   Image via Campus Crusade for Christ, along with its buddies the Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, the Remnant (no, not replicant) Christian Fellowship, and the oft-maligned Korea Campus Crusade for Christ, is hosting the ReCharge “Cofeehouse” tonight from 8-10.  Head over to 114th and Broadway to sip some free coffee and see Kayte Grace (of […]

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Say hello to the first member of the class of 2013: Blake Lively, from TV’s Gossip Girl program.  There she is on the right, looking studious. Lively mentioned in a recent interview to W magazine that she’d like to take classes here, at “Yale”, one day a week. Apparently, “the possibility of attending Columbia University […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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