Join us for our open meeting in Lerner 510 at 9 pm tonight!
It’s coming. For some, it may even already be here. Finals season is upon us, and if you’re anything like me, you may be a little more open to making reckless choices than you usually would be. If you’ve already committed to one unnecessary choice, what’s one more? And if you haven’t figured out how […]
Sitting through a seminar is tough. Sitting through a core class seminar is even tougher. If you’re like us, you probably spend a lot of time drinking wine in frosci, getting high before film class, and writing absurd, abstract, abnormal things in your lecture notes. (Hey, at least you’re trying to pay attention, right?) Here are just a […]
Grab a cup of coffee, sit up in bed, and relaxxxxxxxxx, because it’s finally Saturday. You have no responsibilities. No duties. No finals to think about. Just take today to chill. Bwogline: The New York Times covered our most favorite night of controversy of the semester: Orgo Night. Think they enjoyed getting CUMBed on? Study […]
A haiku about the weekly Bwog meeting that’s taking place tonight, which is open to the public, meaning that everyone should attend, especially because the semester is ending soon, and finals are coming, and you need to procrastinate more, and I need one more line otherwise the formatting on this post looks terrible: Bwog meeting tonight, At 7. […]
As reading week presses on and finals approacheth, Bwog hereby humbly presents a study guide in convenient game form. Tuck yourself into your John Jay single, pull out a Nalgene full of happiness (however you take that to mean), and take a sip every time you come across one of these typical Lit Hum tropes while […]
As we enter the last full week of classes, the stress and anxiety of finals is getting to be a bit much. Although you’re probably tucking yourself in at a Butler table right now to pre-stress the finals stress, try to relax a little. We’ve compiled another witty game of Bingo so you can complain about […]
In honor of all the papers being written this week (inb4 SEAS complaints—we know, we know! You’re working much harder than all of us combined!) paired together with the extreme thirst apparent on CU Admirers, let’s talk about sex. We’ve already determined how CC and LitHum authors are in bed, but how about us lowly […]
It’s the last day of classes finally already? So have some Bwoglines. Women in NYC prefer taller men, based on a rigorous polling of the boroughs and a blurb from some Columbia professor. Look, statistics, that means it must be true. (NY Post, Gothamist) Finals really are killing you slowly: apparently caffeine shortens your DNA, […]
You’re miserable. We’re miserable. The guy who’ll have to kick us all out of 210 from 7 to 8 am is preemptively miserable on behalf of everyone involved. As per tradition, we took this dark and dreary night as an opportunity to traipse through Butler and photograph the anguish. Send your own photos of the […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025