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Posts Tagged with "fishy business"
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A little over one year ago, some bastards stole Chelsea G’s fish and the mission to #FindFishy began. How such a brilliant and majestic beta fish as Fishy could go unfound is yet a mystery and a tragedy for poor Chelsea G, resident of John Jay 6 at the time of the disappearance. Honoring Fishy […]

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Someone call CCE, because boy have we got a job for you.  Posted on an EC bulletin board, some Barnard senior is  putting together a coalition of “fucking brilliant and chill” classmates in order to make boatloads of money and “capitalize on each other’s work ethic.” Bwog is unsure as to the business model being […]

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Turns out, fish are more like shrinky dinks than we originally thought. Thanks, Global Warming! (BBC News) Next, biologists ask the important questions: why are we here? Where did we come from? Why are fish penises so funny looking? (io9) Honey, have you seen my glove? If you think you have it bad, take a […]

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It’s Saturday, which means Chemical Charmer Zach Kagan has once again mixed a week’s worth of science news together in an erlenmeyer flask for your edification.  A landmark study from the Earth Institue suggests that ocean acidity is rising faster than any time in the history of the planet. Open water absorbs CO2 emissions, where it becomes carbonic acid. Normally […]

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Spectator reported yesterday that the Business School’s Uris Deli has banished all forms of parental food finance: Flex, Dining Dollars, and First-Year Points are henceforth useless. It seems someone at the business school doesn’t want undergraduates clogging their territory any longer; this would also explain why professional power-lunchables (think spoiled sushi and oniony sandwiches) are […]

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