On December 2, Professor David Helfland, founder of the Frontiers of Science course and experienced Astrophysics professor, sat down in Lerner Satow for an open Q&A in this science spotlight.
We sent two baby Bwoggers to their 11 am FroSci lecture as they guzzled a bottle or two of the cheapest white wine International had to offer (−OH, ya feel?). Throughout the lecture, they managed to develop a drinking game AND learn about black holes (though we all know that their consumption induced them into their own black hole of drunkenness). […]
As part of Columbia’s effort to revamp the Core science course, an open forum was held last night allowing for student input. FroSci Fault-Finder Eric Cohn reports. Last night, to a surprisingly sparse crowd, the Committee for Science in the Core held an open forum as part of its effort to formulate a new Core science […]
Birds, dinosaurs, and denizens of Columbia College, take note. On Wednesday, November 19, at 7:30 pm in Schermerhorn 501, the co-chairs and members of the Committee for Science in the Core will be hosting an open forum to discuss possible changes to FroSci, or alternatives to the class entirely. Our suggestions for alternatives include: Intro […]
Strange things happen in Frontiers of Science. Today, in the spirit of the Biodiversity section of the class, five avid pupils decided to dress up in animal costumes for class. Our wildlife photographer captured images of several giraffes, an owl and a dinosaur. One of the perpetrators said of their bold statement, “We’re biodiverse!” Clearly […]
Yesterday, Professor Hughes began Frontiers of Science’s three-lecture physics unit by playing Lil Wayne, changing clothes on stage, and displaying 9/11 and Nazi Germany footage. Various news outlets (Slate, TIME, NY Daily News) have picked up the story, and here is some of the known coverage for today: Fox News’s The Five at 5 pm […]
If you think Frontiers of Science is a boring, useless class, think again—the Core’s most infamous class went wild today. According to our reports, the first class of the physics unit was running a bit late when the lights went out. When they came back on, professor Emlyn Hughes was in the spotlight. Then Snoop […]
A tipster noticed the following provocative midterm practice question: Because, you know, as the sole creatures in the world that emit sound, the Blue Tit and the Great Tit are the only two animals that could haven beeen used for this question. Nice try, FroSci.
I feel like I’ve been here before, been here before… (Watch Jeffrey Sachs on last night’s Charlie Rose.) Give me your toasters, your lava lamps, your otherwise hidden appliances…while you walk out for that McBain fire alarm Peace, Not Apartheid. (Just kidding!) Democracy Soon! Please? Frontiers’ heart: in the right place “In fact, the only […]
Frontiers report arrogant, Helfand responds, “I simply reject the claim that 17-year-olds know more than faculty” An article about money and sex, but no quid pro quo New York beats Boston in balls A Cool Article About A Playwright Spec staff urges credit for club sports, and Chas Carey says exactly the same thing (fix […]
The Core has frequently inspired as much acrimony as intellectual curiosity, and no one class has borne so much controversy as the disproportionately-loathed Frontiers of Science. From amid the tepid grumblings of the meekly subjected, however, comes the roar of the freshman class, taking a stand – where else? – on Facebook. Sports, science, and general […]
This year’s second crop of freshmen should be finishing up their Frontiers of Science exam right about now, which Bwog learned was administered on 18 single-sided pages per test taker (not including Blue Books). Those familiar with Frontiers will bear with us for a little back of the envelope calculation: There are approximately 1,000 students […]
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