The froshpeople seem to have gotten the hang of things already, but you old fogies who still use CubMail directly are in for a rude awakening. Over the last few weeks, CUIT has been shuffling your shit in preparation for the move to Columbia’s new Google-powered platform, LionMail, on July 31st. That’s tomorrow. To avoid adding one […]
In an e-mail sent out earlier this afternoon, CUIT’s LionMail team informs you that they have their grubby hands on your data and they’re doing some fancy new-fangled shuffling—but don’t worry, they’ll be gentle: Dear Undergraduate Student, We hope you are excited about your upcoming move to LionMail @ Columbia. On July 31 you will be start to […]
Knowing that real lions graduate without doing the swim test, Bwog too was titillated by the prospect of casting Cubmail into the Hudson and watching it drown. But first, we had some questions about the planned switch to Gmail. Columbia Student Affairs’ Director of Communications and Special Projects Katherine Cutler answers. Does Dean Shollenberger have […]
Bad news, friends: we now have one less thing to bitch about. By the end of 2012, your Columbia-provided email address will change over from Cubmail to Gmail. That’s right—no more of this. According to Spec, to start, “50 to 80 students […] will be selected for the trial run by Shollenberger.” What we want […]
2012 Update: Columbia has finally made it easy! Just go the forwarding page and put in your gmail address. Freshpeople (and regularpeople just a little behind the times), pay attention! Being a Columbia student means dealing with email. Craploads of it. If you haven’t switched from Cubmail to Gmail yet, something is terribly wrong. In […]
The Bloomberg administration has plans for this cool bike-sharing thing, and they think they have a plan to deal with theft and graffiti. Talk about idealistic! (NYT) There was an unusually violent fight at Rikers, and officials won’t say why. Bwog suspects inmates are understandably upset that Weezy is gone. (NBC New York) Other people […]
2011 update: Some things have changed. Check out the latest guide! Fresh-people, it’s the first day of school. If you haven’t switched from Cubmail to Gmail yet, something is terribly wrong. Being a Columbia student means dealing with e-mail. Craploads of it. You have an account through the school, but you’d do yourself a favor […]
Welcome back to SocketHop, a newish, occasional feature in which we seek to help you with your technology. This week, we take Gmail and make it even better. A horrifying example of an outdated electronic mail message client. Just say no. To drugs, unless it’s Adderol; to sex, unless you paid for it; to Cubmail, […]
For those of you who were wondering why Gmail looks a little funky, fear not. The change will cut down on the amount of time you can possibly spend organizing your email. Don’t worry, you’ll find other ways to procrastinate. If you do use “Labels” in Gmail (like folders, except that messages can belong to […]
In light of the tragic Cubmail Outrage, there have been several requests for us to re-run our tutorial on how to forward your Cubmail to your Gmail account. So, we proudly present “Better Living Through Gmail” by Mark Holden, way back from September 2006: Being a Columbia student means dealing with e-mail. Craploads of it. […]
Welcome back to Bwog’s latest feature, “In Defense Of…” Here, a writer defends something that most students consider useless, inferior, or downright loathsome. In doing so, Bwog hopes to bring you a new perspective, and give the subject the appreciation it deserves…or not. This time, you guessed it, it’s CubMail. Although google is taking over […]
The alcohol-fueled, after-bar emailing session! A venerated tradition that’s worse than a drunken phone call because it involves spelling and it’s archived, forever. But, as Gawker reported, one American Hero/Gmail Engineer has designed a program that will prevent you from sending drunk emails. It’s called “Mail Goggles” and it harnesses the power of simple arithmetic […]
Free TimesSelect is here with the wave of your Columbia/Barnard email address. And although you have to give your CU email to the Times, (and to all your professors and Michelle Diamond and Lee Bollinger and Austin [!] Quigley), that doesn’t mean you have to deal with CubMail, Columbia’s the homage to 2002’s latest technologies. […]
Political Science Professor David Epstein showed up on a friend of Bwog’s G-chat contact list at 12:30 AM. His away message: “funniest site I’ve seen in a while:”
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025