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Posts Tagged with "lionmail"

CUIT emailed Morningside campus students today with information about our new email aliases. CUIT says that they “heard and understood” the concern that “UNI-based email addresses are impersonal and can seem unprofessional in certain contexts.” For all returning students and incoming freshmen, the aliases will take the form of “<Initials of First and Middle + […]

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Many of Columbia’s grad students have now joined the undergrads on LionMail. As of about two weeks ago, we’re all one big, happy LionMail family. Here is the press release from CUIT: CUIT is pleased to announce that many graduate schools are now using LionMail, Columbia’s Google-powered email and calendar solution. On January 15, over […]

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The froshpeople seem to have gotten the hang of things already, but you old fogies who still use CubMail directly are in for a rude awakening. Over the last few weeks, CUIT has been shuffling your shit in preparation for the move to Columbia’s new Google-powered platform, LionMail, on July 31st. That’s tomorrow. To avoid adding one […]

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In an e-mail sent out earlier this afternoon, CUIT’s LionMail team informs you that they have their grubby hands on your data and they’re doing some fancy new-fangled shuffling—but don’t worry, they’ll be gentle: Dear Undergraduate Student, We hope you are excited about your upcoming move to LionMail @ Columbia. On July 31 you will be start to […]

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You Fancy, Huh?

Now that you’re all entered in the lottery in an attempt to snag one of the first thousand accounts of LionMail, take a look at these super secret screenshots of what it’ll look like….which is essentially the Gmail interface with the perk of a preloaded Columbia directory. It’ll make e-mailing faculty easier, but just make sure […]

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As we heard in January, Google Apps (“Lionmail”) are slated to replace Cubmail. It’ll be called Lionmail, which is like cubs, but grown up. Everyone will get Lionmail by 2012, but 1000 lucky students will score it in mid-April, as part of the trial “Phase One.” If that interests you, sign up for the lottery that they […]

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