Barnard’s got a new housing lottery system, and everyone is shivering with antici…pation. SGA Bureau Chief Dassi Karp visited last night’s meeting to find out more – as in, what even is it? Last night, Barnard’s Student Government Association welcomed Matt Kingston, Associate Director for Housing Operations, to talk about the college’s new housing lottery […]
There is always a moment early in your drinking career when friends pass around I.D.s so that they can all laugh about the absurd last name that one guy picked, or comment on the shit quality laminate that one girl received. It’s a pretty safe assumption that the bouncers around here don’t actually care if […]
During our time at Columbia, most of us meet one or two group leaders, student government presidents, star athletes, and the like. But there are many Columbians whose profiles are lower, yet their talents are just as (or even more) awesome. Here’s our recurring feature devoted to those students: this time, it’s Tim Sun, who’s […]
Monopoly players looking for a more serious game have been meeting three times a week at Cosi, on Broadway at 78th Street, for three years running. Claire Sabel, Bwog’s intrepid Advanced Board Games Correspondent, and a friend RSVP’d to their online invitation and joined the ongoing tournament earlier this week. We arrived at seven, and […]
Hey, ’09! Don’t forget that today (as in “right now”), your new and improved 40s on 40 will be on the steps. It’s called “Senior Playpen,” a subtle way of reminding you that Columbia still thinks you’re eight years old. So go celebrate your last few weeks of being a quasi-child by getting crazy in what is literally a […]
Tomorrow! Flying kites! EarthCo is providing plastic bags and pre-made plastic bag kites for a Mary Poppins session on Low Plaza from noon to 4:00 pm, where they’ll probably also try to teach you something about wind power. The group is trying again to persuade Columbia buy alternative energy, which didn’t go so well last […]
You Can Take the Soviet Out of Russia…
February 21, 2025Freshpeople Housing Review 2022: Wallach
February 20, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2019: John Jay Hall
February 20, 2025Hate Letter: “Midterms”
February 20, 2025