Bwog is all about faux matrimonies, especially ones that take place in the sandbox, but Low will certainly do. This year’s Hangama celebration, the mock Pakistani wedding hosted by Columbia’s Organization of Pakistani Students and NYU’s Pakistani Students Association, was sure to please. The groom from NYU sweeping in on horseback to meet his beautiful Columbian bride, Amirah […]
In case you’re wondering what all the colorful commotion on Low Plaza is, it’s Hangama 2011, a mock Pakistani wedding held by Columbia’s Organization of Pakistani Students and NYU’s Pakistani Students Association. Held on Low Plaza, the mock wedding is between a Columbia bride and an NYU groom who arrives to meet her on horseback! […]
Bwog horse-wrangler Mahrah Taufique witnessed a marriage between NYU and Columbia at Hangama today.
The CU Organization of Pakistani Students in collabo with the NYU Pakistani Students Assocation present Hangama, the self-proclaimed “Mock Wedding of the Year,” which will take place today on Low Plaza from 3-5. Alongside the mock wedding and performances from CU Bhangra, CU Raas, Taal, Dhoom and OPS, there will be $7 chicken and rice […]
Spring is in the air and lovers are marrying on the steps today. Or, at least, pretending to. Hangama, the annual Pakistani mock wedding, will be on the steps today from 3:00 to 5:00 PM. They’re already setting up, although no one has yet spotted the majestic white horse that will ride through the gates. […]
As of 6 p.m., the annual Pakistani mock wedding, Hangama (which translates roughly to “hoopla”), is still going strong on the steps. The “dance floor,” also known as College Walk, is abuzz with Bollywood quick-stepping and colorful saris, and has been since about 4:30, when the groom rolled up in style on a white horse. […]
Calling all wannabe Bhangra members: it’s Hangama, the Organization of Pakistani Students’ annual Mock Wedding, in which a “groom” from NYU takes away his Columbian “bride”–which means more colorful outfits and South Asian dancing than you’ll see this side of the subcontinent (we exaggerate, but really). Even if it weren’t the perfect day, OPS knew […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025