Hannah Goldstein, BC ’13, turned her passion for theme parties into a business earlier this year, when she started The Festivist Productions, LLC. She threw her first party—a 50s/American Bandstand-style Valentine’s day dance at Union Square—in February and is preparing to throw her second one—a Kids Party at Chuck E. Cheese— in two weeks. Bwog […]
Barnard’s weekly Student Government Association meeting happened last night, amidst much debate regarding the housing crisis and meeting transparency. Our congressional correspondent Renée Kraiem writes. Last night Rep Council converged upon the Mehlor Parlor of Barnard’s Elliott Hall, an ironically apt meeting room for the evening’s main event, a discussion forum for airing complaints about […]
Be on the lookout for the December issue of The Blue & White, arriving on campus this week. In the meantime, Bwog will honor our heritage/amorous affair with our mother magazine by posting features from the upcoming issue. Such treats include a discussion of Occupy Wall Street with Columbia professor Todd Gitlin, a look at Columbia’s proposal for a new […]
Finding a good haircut in a new city is already difficult task but on a student’s budget and with a Columbian’s schedule, it has reduced the steeliest of wills to tears (or something). But now Bwog takes the mystery and misery out of the process by sampling and reviewing the quality of the options available […]
At 1:33 AM yesterday morning, a tipster sent Bwog an urgent message: “THIS WILL NOT STBAD.” Koronet’s super-sized pizza, in all its greasy goodness, now costs $3.75. This 25 cent price hike follows a steady quarter-a-year trend. It’s unnerving, because when you’re schwasted, you’ll throw down anything just for chow. Only the next morning will […]
The Orientation issue of The Blue and White will arrive on campus this week. We’ll be posting the entire magazine on Bwog over the next two weeks. Stay tuned! As hordes of students slouch toward campus reluctant to see the start of a new semester, The Blue & White salutes five of them who refused […]
We know that Double-D always calls the shots when it comes to friendships and girly bonding. This was confirmed yesterday when Dean Denburg rebuffed the friend request of Bwogger and current Barnard student Hannah Goldstein: Hi Hannah – I would be happy to accept your friend invitation but I never “friend” students, just alumnae or […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025