– An eager crowd awaits the band’s entrance If you missed Orgo Night, fret not – the show was recorded and will be available tomorrow on CUMB’s blog. Now, the Bwog review: After entering to the usual “Roar Lion Roar,” the Columbia University Marching Band noted that, due to the recession, this year’s show would […]
Seems that Hillary Clinton can’t get enough of Barnard: Barnard President Debora Spar just announced via email that the new Secretary of State (and former Senator, presidential candidate, and first lady) has agreed to give the commencement address at Barnard this spring. Clinton will also receive the Barnard Medal of Distinction – past recipients include […]
If you were surprised to find a Bwog sans Quickspec this morning, have no fear for QuickSpec is here, as the Spectator was a tad delayed in updating their website today, maybe just because of all of the breaking NROTC hooplah on campus. NROTC at Columbia. Just like a coin-flip. “Healthy Aging Centers,” aging all […]
Hillary Clinton at Barnard, Spars for pay raises. In debut, Sparing nothing for Clinton’s Barnard speech. The Mothers of Harlem trusted Mr. Rangel. That girl’s shoes are totally hideous. Halloween, Ricky’s (neé Kim’s) are a girl’s new best friend.
Hey, welcome to this liveblog of Hillary Clinton speaking about pay equality at Barnard. Bwog’s thankful this thing is starting late, because we were a little late getting to the James Room in Barnard Hall, where about 60 students are now watching a livefeed of the podium at which Clinton will speak on a large […]
Columbia cannot get enough of presidential candidates. The Spec is reporting that former candidate and New York Senator Hillary Clinton will be holding a press conference on pay equity at Barnard this Monday. The conference itself will be held at 2 p.m. in the Sulzberger Parlor, with a live feed for students in the James […]
You might recall that awhile back a famed street artist drew Hillary Clinton’s face on the sidewalk in front of Citibank. She looked stupendous, and our artist left in his wake promises of two additional portraits to come, namely those of Barack Obama and John McCain. Well Columbia, we are thrilled to report that for […]
Bwog’s coverage of the 2008 presidential campaign continues with Jim Downie’s Political Weekly, now back to its regularly scheduled Monday broadcast. This week in politics is like the eye of a hurricane (or at least a tropical depression): stuck in between two supposedly significant weeks. Life on the campaign trail continues incessantly: campaign strategists will […]
The pantsuit is what’s keeping Hillary from the nomination, femininity It really speaks volumes about the id of The Eye when the name chosen for a fictitious professor is “Rutherford Edgemont,” which are actually two towns in north Jersey and Westchester, respectively. Breaking: California kids choose to leave California the first chance they get Nellie […]
So the Super Bowl is over, but New York is getting ready for another showdown. Bwog wakes up early to catch the solicitors in action! Snow on Christmas Eve is so trite, but snow on SuperTuesday Eve?! It’s just a harbinger of things to come. Volunteers from the rival Obama and Clinton factions have been […]
With the second most delegates of any state, New York promises to be a critical part of Super Tuesday on February 5th. Here’s a brief rundown of what to expect; be sure to keep your mice on the refresh button a week from today and watch as shit gets consequential.
Let’s check in with our batch of fresh-faced presidential hopefuls to see what they have to say about Ahmadinejad’s Columbia visit: During a Fox News interview, New York Senator Hillary Clinton says she is, “Leaving that up to Columbia.” Thanks, Hil! “But I was outraged that he wanted to go to Ground Zero and did […]
Enough about the t-shirt hype… here’s the real deal. (PDF only.) Cartoons: marching stampeding into the canon. (Page 8) Damn, someone read a lot of Wikipedia entries for this one. (Page 12-13) It’s all about how they rock the modest lipstick and pearls. (Page 17-18) How about… this way? No? Ok. (Page 20) Don’t they […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025