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Posts Tagged with "hillel"

Hillel is hosting a study break from 8-9 p.m. tonight! Hit up the 3rd floor of Hillel for Trader Joe’s snacks. ‘Cause there’s a new Joe’s somewhere on the UWS. Hillel is at the Kraft Center, at 606 W. 115th Street. Image via Trader Joe’s

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Free Wine!

Hillel’s Israeli Cultural Society and your senior class councils (GSSC, CCSC, ESC, and LCSC, respectively) invite you to a seniors only Israeli wine tasting today from 3-5 PM on the 3rd floor terrace of the Kraft Center. There will be cheese, crackers, and chips and dips along with water and soft drinks for anyone who wants […]

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A Hidden Hillel Gem

Kosher cuisine specialist Carly Silver reports from 115th Street. Amid Moroccan tents and colorful cushions lies a Middle Eastern eating experience on our very own campus. Bella Alayof brings international flavors to Café Nana, her kosher restaurant in Columbia/Barnard Hillel. Born in Uzbekistan, Alayof emigrated to Israel when she was 17 like many Jews making […]

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Hillel is offering free food at their hizouse for their first event of the year. Reported provisions include “sweets and desserts of all kinds”. Check it out on the 3rd Floor Terrace of the Kraft Center for Jewish Life (606 W. 115th St. across from Schapiro). Update: There is chocolate fondue. Score.

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As we type! Baked ziti, mac&cheese, salad and a Wii. Third floor of Hillel, which is on 115th between Broadway and Riverside, accross from Schapiro.

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It’s true! In preparation for Passover Hillel is hosting a BYOC (C for chametz) study break. There will be ice cream. 8-9, 2nd floor of Hillel. Also in other news, the full schedule for College Days has been announced, meaning a whole weekend of costless treats for you die-hard free foodians.

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Hillel sponsored a kosher cooking class two nights ago. Bwog’s Chief Culinary Correspondent Catie Lynch was there. The vegetarian aspect of Wednesday night’s three-course kosher dinner was largely economic, it was admitted. But rabbinical intern Dina Rosenberg said said she also wanted to be inclusive of everyone’s dietary needs. “Food blends the barriers of Judaism,” […]

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Sure, we reported this a day early, but at least it’s still happening. Columbia/Barnard Hillel, a.k.a. “our HILLEL that Never Sleeps!” is having a free brunch today at 12:30 (i.e. now). It’s on the 3rd floor of the Hillel Building, which is at 606 W. 115th street, right across from Schapiro. And the extra time […]

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 – An eager crowd awaits the band’s entrance If you missed Orgo Night, fret not – the show was recorded and will be available tomorrow on CUMB’s blog. Now, the Bwog review: After entering to the usual “Roar Lion Roar,” the Columbia University Marching Band noted that, due to the recession, this year’s show would […]

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Tomorrow you will wish each other a happy Yom Ha’atzmaut with lots of dignity and layers of clothes, but tonight you will celebrate Israel’s Independence Day in full out “Tel Aviv Beach Style.” Hillel’s celebration begins at 8:45 in Lerner Party Space. The free food has a Mediterranean theme, naturally – feast on falafel, hummus, and Israeli […]

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If you were not aware, Passover 5769 (double take? gentiles should read that “Passover 2009”) will begin at precisely 7:28 PM tonight, and will run until next Wednesday the 15th. But, unlike JTS students, we don’t get the week off, so Jewish students may not be able to go home for a family seder. If […]

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  Photo Via In anticipation of the Hebrew awesomeness slated to invade Miller tonight (tickets are available at the TIC), Bwog would like to officially welcome the Columbia/Barnard Hillel blog onto the internet scene. The blog seems like an aggregation of Jewish events in and around Morningside Heights as well as photos from said […]

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Armin Rosen spent the past couple nights seeing what The Tribe is up to. Jewish philosophical smack dooooooown! It’s about time the philosophical salon made a comeback: on Tuesday night, a couple dozen List College students gathered in the Mathilde Shechter music room for some laid back Judaically-focused philosophical disputation. The night’s topic was the […]

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Sugar cube sukkah

If you run to College Walk right now, you might still be able to get in on the Sugar Cube Sukkahs from Hillel. You can glue your own miniature sukkah together or just eat the sugar cubes. Or eat the glue with the sugar cubes, I suppose. That’s something to consider. Rabbi Yonah Blum commands […]

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A House Divided…

Subscribers to the listserv of the Columbia Student Solidarity Network (a liberal umbrella group rejuvenated in the wake of this February’s Ashcroft visit) were treated yesterday to two oddly contrasting invitations. One, forwarded by College Dems president Mike Nadler, exhorts readers to sign a pro-Israel petition that Hillel will send to Kofi Annan. Another promotes […]

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