Things spotted by Bwog this week that were less dull, and more sparkly, in all sorts of ways: The bookstore is now totally stocked for holiday shopping…but more importantly there are hats with rhinestones! Thank god for Collegiate Fashionista! Holiday lights at Westside New light outside Greenborough New signs at Ferris Booth proclaim the glory […]
A few tipsters have informed us that CourseWorks is now host to Columbia’s annual nondenominational seasons greeting slideshow! O, happy day. Let’s check out this year’s offering, hm? A few rather dreary pictures of a snowy Central Park (see above) and then a non-exclamation-marked wish of “happy holidays.” Well, Bwog certainly prefers last year’s […]
So, seniors, it’s the last Friday before reading week. What to do, what to do? Well, Bwog has been encouraged to let you know that there is a Senior Pub Crawl tonight, starting at 10 p.m. at Bourbon Street (79th and Amsterdam). Arrangements have been made with bars running up Amsterdam (Bourbon St., 420, Dead […]
Holiday merrymakers braved the drizzle this evening to drink hot chocolate, listen to a capella, and bask in the warmth of Austin Quigley’s valedictory address. The departing dean – who said he was looking forward to teaching next semester – waxed eloquent about the meaning of holiday time as a period of renewal, and a […]
Maintenance was out early this morning prettying up the trees on College Walk, in preparation for everyone’s favorite holiday ritual: tree lighting! We know, the lights have been lit for like a week, but it’s really just an excuse for Dean Quigley to preside (for the last time!), hot chocolate to be consumed, and a […]
Judith Shapiro’s holiday greeting, with its fancy Roger Rabbit-style animation over actual photographs, has seemingly one-upped Columbia’s card, which only shows people drawing lions. Are the lions not able to leap off the page and slowly fade into a photograph of Roree? And if they are, what’s the hold up? In terms of music, accolades […]
Best lampshades ever. Do you have favorite decked out neighborhood establishments? Bring us joy:
In spite of this busy time of year, Bwog did manage to get away for a few moments and witness Chowdah and Sweeps’ self-proclaimed “Very Special Holiday Special” in Furnald Lounge tonight. Sweeps performed a domino chain of improv skits complete with reference to broken families, broken chia pets, peanut butter blasphemy, and linear references […]
A band of revelers led by a wildly gesticulating Santa Claus made waves across Columbia this afternoon, prompting several tipsters to ask “wtf?”. The possibly drunk, underweight Saint Nicholas and his six disciples marched across campus twice today, interrupting classes, being mistaken for CUMB, and playing, among other things, a rousing rendition of It Don’t […]
Tonight marks the first night of Chanukah. We have the Maccabees and their defeat of Seleucid Empire to thank for 8 nights of presents, gelt and latkes beginning in 25 minutes. (And our friends in states with agriculture-based economies to thank for sunset at 4:28pm tonight.) Chabad house is celebrating by lighting an outlandishly-sized menorah […]
Today was the HSO’s big Holi bash, and for those who missed the fun, here are some photos from the spring holiday, which featured more than 700 lbs. of paint, lots of water, and general mayhem. Thanks to Ramya Pratiwadi and Sumaiya Ahmed for the photos!
Bwog is signing off for awhile to stuff our faces with sweetmeats and to relax Frankie Goes to Hollywood-style. But before we do, we asked several campus figures to tell us what they want for Chrismakwanzikkah or the other non-denominational winter holiday they celebrate. We got a few responses, starting with Sumaiya Ahmed’s interview with… Antonio, […]
As promised, we’ve reviewed those silly holiday sandwiches for the benefit of the consumer- you! Correspondent Dena Yago offers the following appraisal. Religious culinary politics, a pre-eminent topic this time of year, has revealed itself not so subtly on behalf of the $5.50 Holiday Sandwiches sold around campus. My experience with these creations left me […]
There is way too much going on in Butler these days to be remotely bored. A sampling of the cracked out goings on: Elevator Dance Party! At around 8:30 PM, four kids rocked out with their iPod speakers to standard indy and classic rock favorites, riding the rightmost elevator next to the computer lab to […]
If you are a typical broke college student – you know, the one who has reached the point of sneaking Tupperware into campus study breaks and gotten into the habit of scrounging for paid psychology experiments – chances are you’re having trouble fulfilling the financial obligations of the holiday season. Luckily, our very own Columbia […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025