After their awesome Bacchanal set yesterday, Bwog met up with Dominic Lalli and Jeremy Salkin of Big Gigantic in their Kent 4 green room. Despite initial doubts, concert-goers, upon reflection, had a great time. It was a real bacchic frenzy. Bwog: So, what did you guys think about playing on campus, in a neoclassical setting, how is […]
Earlier today, Bwog sat down with Pat Blute. Blute, of BwogWeather and HardCore fame, has been of late consumed by the production of his new rock-opera, SPEARS: The Gospel According to Britney. Tickets go on sale at 5 pm today, and will sell out fast. Blute, director and creator, is pretty excited. Bwog sat down with […]
Whether our review of West End Preview left you with some unanswered questions, or you’re just looking for tips from the pros about how to turn your shower singing routine up a notch, now’s your chance to directly engage with the people who will bring the 118th Annual Varsity Show to life. Bwog will be conducting […]
Always striving for topicality and curious as to whether 1020 would be offering a little something special on the date with which they share their name, we conducted the following, very brief interview: 1020: Hello, 1020, how may I help you? Bwog: Hi, I was wondering if you’re doing anything special beause it— 1020: No. Bwog: You’re […]
Codecademy, a quick, fun way to learn the JavaScript programming language has only been live for less than 100 hours, and it has already crawled its way to the front page of Reddit and been featured on Wired and Techcrunch. Developed by recent graduate Ryan Bubinski, CC ’11, and Zachary Sims, CC ’12 (and taking a leave of […]
Before their set on Saturday, Himanshu Suri (Heems) and Ashok Kondabolu (Dap) of Das Racist, and their friend Aleksey Weintraub (Lakutis), sat down with Bwog to talk about—almost exclusively, though appropriately for Bacchanal—being really fucked up and on the Columbia campus. Thanks for letting us speak to you guys. We’re pumped for the show and […]
On Monday, we learned the identities of the academic top dogs in CC, and last night, Bwog caught up with this year’s valedictorian, Arianne Richard. How did you find out that you were valedictorian, and did you do anything special to celebrate? Dean [Michael] Pippenger emailed me about two weeks ago with the news of […]
Like all the rest of you, we have spent the past few weeks salivating over the salacious advertisements for today’s Indian cultural extravaganza, Tamasha. While we suspected for the longest time, like so many others, that Zamana had just lifted a picture from the Internet after Googling “hot Indian girl.” But something about the smile […]
Contessa Gayles woke up very, very early to meditate and hang out with Columbia’s Bhakti Club. After a 7:00 AM mantra meditation session, she sat down to talk with Gadadhara Pandit Dasa, the current—and first ever— Hindu chaplain at Columbia. They spoke about a typical day in the life of a Hare Krishna monk, and […]
Bwog sent Lookin’ and Feelin’ Good Specialist Sarah Camiscoli to Ricky’s to get the ultimate opinion on Columbian fashion and some advice on how to look and feel, well, good. Now that anxiety of midterms has transformed into dread over future GPAs, the Halloween hangover has subsided, and fall break has brought salvation, students are […]
While Ira Glass refuses to admit that he has adoring fans or that he is a journalist’s icon, it’s hard to prove otherwise. Named best radio host in America by TIME Magazine, Glass hosts NPR’s This American Life, which is broadcast on over 500 stations nationwide to some 1.8 million listeners. In his weekly interviews, […]
Dear readers, As you may know, Columbia’s gotten a few new bigwigs this semester, and for the first time, the administration’s letting us interview them. Yep, next week, we will be interviewing Provost Claude Steele, CC Dean Michelle Moody-Adams, and SEAS Dean Feniosky Pena-Mora. But rather than entrust the questions to our own journalistic abilities, […]
Columbia may depend most on its students and faculty, but there are many members of both the Columbia and Morningside communities who make the years here a little more enjoyable. We at Bwog feel they deserve a little time in the spotlight for all their hard work. Today: Sir Michael of Carman Sir Michael Layne […]
The new issue of the Blue and White is on a Butler desk or newstand near you! Daniel Libeskind is one of the world’s most famous architects, having designed some of the most striking buildings of the past two decades, including Berlin’s Jewish Museum, the extension to the Denver Art Museum, and Toronto’s Michael Lee-Chin […]
On the eve of CCSC Elections, Bwog sat down with the dueling slates for 2010 Class Council. Below is our interview with AJ Pascua, Shirley Chen, and Joey Goldberg of The Party Party (not a typo). CC juniors can also read our debate coverage, and can find our second interview, with The Clear Party, here. […]
Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
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