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Posts Tagged with "getting to know"

Columbia’s got some of all the world’s most talented people, including but not limited to those guys who can/do eat literally four Wilma’s burgers in a sitting. Bwog caught up with GS freshman Tamar Mardirossian, whose singing talent has scored her lots of attention, an EP, “California,” coming out June 19th on iTunes, and this […]

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In this edition of Getting to Know, Connoisseur of Conifers Alex Enyon stopped to chat with the woman who runs the Christmas tree stand on Broadway between 111th and 112th. See anyone around campus you’d like to know about? Tell us! Molly Hatfield has Christmas in her blood. The cheerful mother of two grew up around her father’s Christmas tree stand, […]

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PrezBo generously shared his mansion and manservant with some lucky lottery winners at his first Fireside Chat last night from 6 to 7:30 pm. Bwog’s Conor Skelding, ever eager to enter 60 Morningside Drive, stopped by to watch his fellow students waffle between demonizing and deifying their president-for-life. 5:57 to 6:35 pm was spent mingling around a central snack […]

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In the latest edition of Getting to Know, Chancellor of Charm Molly Andrews stopped by the Ruggles desk to chat with Damen. Who else would you like your fellow Bwog readers to know? Tell us! Frequent visitors to Ruggles may not know Damen, but he definitely knows you. By name. In just a few short […]

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In a somewhat unclear set of circumstances, Robert of JJ’s and this lucky lady were profiled in New York Magazine for being single and in a bar. Robert is also a fan of Little Joy, Liz Phair, and Neutral Milk Hotel.

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In the latest installment of our Getting to Know series, Bwog’s Chancellor of Charm Molly Andrews caught up with Kubi, the beloved McBain security guard. Know someone we should know too?  Send your suggestions to Many McBain security guards can swipe our CUIDs, but only Kubi can capture our hearts. Stuck in an ECesque “swipe” jam, you may have […]

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"The food [in Brooklyn] is good. I mean, the food is good everywhere, but [there] it's minus the pretense."

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Strawberry, egg white, mozzarella, olive, and sunflower seed salad after class? Half a pound of brie at 3 am? Crispy flatbreads for all occasions? It could only be Westside, friend of the munchies late night snackers and fruit fiends alike. Akin to our Getting to Know series, each week, Bwog will give you a chance […]

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Even in the most meticulous of lists there is always some item forgotten when packing for college. This is where University Housewares and Hardware comes in. Across each of the cozy stores there is housed everything that a student could want or need. The maestro behind this operation is Bob Fendell, the friendly face behind […]

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Another member of campus staff has generously given Bwog their time. Sarah Camiscoli sat down with Kia of Café 212 to give students another perspective on their daily coffee and baked delights. Bwog: What are the strangest things students are swiping for? Kia: “An apple turnover with cream cheese. Some lady comes and gets it […]

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“Egg white special!” The voice rings through your head. But who is behind it all? In this latest edition of Bwog’s profiles of Columbia’s unsung friendly faces around campus, Bwog Events Editor and Chief Omelet Customizer Peter Krawczyk got to know Wilma, of Wilma’s Grill. John Jay Dining Hall is not big on signage. Freshmen […]

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In the latest edition of Bwog’s profiles of Columbia’s unsung heroes, B&W/Bwog contributor and professional Butler denizen Brian Donahoe sat down and got to know Raj Ramachandran, the altruistic man of Butler Café. It was a rainy mid-July afternoon when I first met Raj Ramachandran. My roommate had just met someone on the internet and […]

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In the latest edition of Bwog’s profiles of unsung friendly faces around campus, Bwog contributor and Chief Burger Customizer Nikhita Mahtani took a trip to Hewitt and got to know Benny, the man behind the Barnard grill. Let’s be honest. Nobody wants to have a dining plan. But for the BC/CU students that have one […]

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In this latest edition of Bwog’s profiles of friendly faces around campus, Sagacity Bureau Chief Mahrah Taufique interviews a reluctant-to-be-interviewed Pascale, the wise man of John Jay security Walk into John Jay, and if Pascale Kabore is sitting at the security desk, you will be greeted like a long-lost friend. He cracks a slow smile […]

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In the latest edition of Bwog’s profiles of the friendly faces around campus, Claire Sabel, Guide to the Weekend Editor and Stuffed Sandwich enthusiast, journeys into the bowels of Avery to chat with Steve of Brownie’s Cafe For a break from the standard Butler fare, many students venture underground to Brownie’s, the cafe below Avery […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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