Like a fuzzy caterpillar wrapping itself into a cocoon, Lerner’s Citibank outpost asked us to pardon its appearance for a few weeks this summer while it was busy becoming a butterfly. Our shiny new friend has finally emerged from behind those temporary walls and fluttered its wings for the first time. The butterfly/bank, featuring updated […]
There’s a lot to overhear in Lerner, from the incessant piano playing to the chiming of elevators as they go up and down and up and down or sometimes just linger on one floor with their doors opening and closing. Oh, and then there are the student conversations. Without further ado, we present a series […]
Ferris Booth and everything else got cleared out around 8:30 am! Sorry to you who were planning on a quick bite before your 9 am. For those of you arriving after it ends–maybe try to squeeze a free meal out of Ferris in the post-drill rush?
It’s that time of the evening again. You’ve just gotten out of Art Hum after what feels like hours. Your stomach is grumbling in anticipation of dinner, which won’t be for another hour or two. If you were thinking of heading over to Milano or Westside to get a quick snack—it doesn’t count if it’s […]
GHR was pretty much the predictable mixture of highs (warm chocolate cupakes), lows (the speakeasy was predictably out of booze pretty early, but what else did we really expect?) and apathy (traffic on the ramps in between performances was surprisingly orderly, regulated by CCSC-members wielding fancy walkie talkies). Most guests had clearly pregamed event, if […]
If you can brave the cold weather long enough to make it to Lerner, then you’re in luck! Chabad is giving out free chicken soup right now.
Two Business School students with those CBS backpacks, in front of Lerner: “Everywhere that’s not in Uris seems so far away…”
Seriously! This Oreo costume was spotted giving away the classic cookie in Lerner. There appear to be many boxes. Flock thither!
An anonymous tree-rights activist posted this flier at Lerner. The daring disputant of all things deciduous forgot one thing though–how pretty naked trees and things look in the snowtime! The squirrel point is well taken. Photo by JYH
Katheryn Thayer saw JGL IRL (!) this afternoon, promoting his new project hitRECord. CUNUFF organized the event. Joseph Gordon Levitt (but please, call him Joe) is pretty much a movie star and the founder of a website that started as an outlet for his own personal creativity and exploded into an international network of […]
Someone left their shoes by the newspaper thing in Lerner on Monday. The authorities describe the person as “having his/her feet on the wrong feet.”
Hey there, Bwog is having a staff meeting tonight at 7 PM in the SGO on Lerner 5, and you’re invited! Even if you’ve never come to a meeting before, Bwog wants to be your friend and wants you to come to the meeting. If you have been to one (or more!) of Bwog’s meetings, […]
In case you haven’t dined at Ferris or needed an Add/Drop form yet, you might not have seen Lerner 4 & 5’s newest look:
A few things of note happened on campus today. First, a man named Bryan sat in a kiddie pool and splashed around outside Hamilton. Why’d ya do it, Bry? Then, embattled Congressman Charlie Rangel provided the keynote speech at the NYC Economic Development Luncheon in Roone. His speech was entitled “The status of the National […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025