Frontiers report arrogant, Helfand responds, “I simply reject the claim that 17-year-olds know more than faculty” An article about money and sex, but no quid pro quo New York beats Boston in balls A Cool Article About A Playwright Spec staff urges credit for club sports, and Chas Carey says exactly the same thing (fix […]
Manhattan poll takes calculated, er, “responsible” stance on expansion: city’s “success…difficult to absorb”. There’s always Bounty. Mudd to get greener (does that mean less muddy, or more?) Police rubber-stamp 11-block strike walk… …but in opinion, we find self-conscious Iraq caution, and the same message with a lot more braggadoccio…plus, to top it all off, love is […]
Summa Inflationica: Latin Honors at Barnard. Will fewer grads appear in the Times marriage announcements now? Men’s B-Ball Not Half-Bad (read this piece) Clubs Fight For the Goods Hi, Would You Be Interested in Writing Us a Big, Fat Check? Or Two? Staff: Let’s Hear it for the Basketball Boys
OK, you may have guessed it–Bwog is not a huge fan of Valentine’s Day. But we have an issue coming out this week! Probably Wednesday, in time for you to settle down with your very own February Blue and White! Meanwhile, a review of the week in Bwog. – Chomsky double feature! – Cute animals: […]
UChicago: We ain’t divestin’ The Ivies: We ain’t changin’ Fun with Neanderthals and the likes Keeping the protest tradition alive Sometimes guys deal with creepy men too
Once again, Bwog brings you the things that, after this weekend, you may never do again… After receiving only one Oscar nomination (good luck in Best Art Direction, you guys!), The Good Shepherd closes today at the AMC Loews Lincoln Square to make room for Hannibal Lecter’s latest outing. Go to see a surprisingly […]
Score One for Us – Greek Recruitment Generally Wholesome SEAS Shot Glasses On The Way (Finally!!!!) A Garden Variety Critique That Historians Should Stick to History Towards a Super-Sexual Theory of the State Postscrypt: Chilling Out, Maxing, Relaxing All Cool Aspiring Dentists (hehehe) In an S&M Club, Is Everyone Each Other’s Valentine? Web-Only: Interview […]
Wednesday night saw a beginning of sorts to the CCSC election season – the first of three information sessions for prospective candidates in Carman Lounge. Spotted at the meeting were ’08 VP Michelle Diamond and ’09 President George Krebs – widely considered the frontrunners for the CCSC Presidency, should they decide to run – […]
The Varsity Show has a new website up, and, as the kids are saying these days, it is “quite nifty”. The rectangles of different colors that make up the home page fit together to make a giant rectangle in a very pleasing manner, and there is an excellent picture of several people intensely concentrating on […]
Coalition Against War strikes to cut ties with the only guys actually winning in Iraq I Think This Shit Is Pretty Sweet Skiing: A Great Southern Tradition Before the Creative Writing Major, Nobody Majored in Creative Writing? Kulawik Offers To Save School “oh, $93,743”
Veritas Forum subjects: infinitude of knowledge, the Almighty, plagiarism Message of a loving God creates schism, property rights issues, “trouble” Surprise! Noam Chomsky is anti-war! Poverty = another reason to worry about Global Warming? …never fear, J-Sachs’ anti-squalor sustainability squad is here!…just don’t ask too many questions.
Double-sided, super-sticky, extra-thick red tape Our own high-profile university admin search Those who take time off gain perspective, face problems A glut of Israeli-Palestinian conflict pieces: More Left, Left, Right, More Right
While you’re all recovering from your Super Bowl excitement and realizing that your first quiz of the year is on Tuesday and you haven’t read for it, reminisce briefly about the week gone by. – Clubs threw food at us while recovering from the news that ABC actually cares that they do something. – New […]
So the Superbowl’s tonight. Whoohoo and etc. One good thing this does mean is that you are at liberty to eat and drink lots of food and beer to quell the nagging feeling that you should be in Butler. May we suggest: Browsing through the local establishments and ordering online. Lion’s Head is offering $7 pitchers of beer. Nacho’s is doing […]
Composer Portraits – Frank Zappa Miller Theatre February 2, 2007 I often try to think about things in terms of how I would explain them to Benjamin Franklin. On Friday night, I attended the latest in the Miller Theatre’s Composer Portrait series, in which Fireworks Ensemble and Zephyros Winds (a string quintet and a chamber […]
In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025“I’m The President Of Barnard”: Barnard President Laura Rosenbury Authors Op-Ed Addressing Student Protests
March 6, 2025