“Bwog.NET?” readers ask themselves. “Isn’t that domain suffix for second-rate websites? All my favorite websites are .com!” While .net is stereotypically associated with lower-quality websites than .com, .org, .edu, and .cx, Bwog analyst David Iscoe set out, in the pursuit of truth and self-preservation, to prove that many .net websites were indeed worthy of your […]
The Columbia home page reports that the mustachioed UN-bashing UN representative John Bolton spoke at SIPA today, to a packed audience of doubtlessly dubious grad students. Besides summarizing the standard Bolton bullet points, the release directs us to the official SIPA blog, which Bwog liked until it noticed the student blogroll: one that’s all in […]
Craziness. His name is Cornell Barnard. What’s next, Columbia Harvard? The moose-men cometh. Streakin’ to the summit… There’s a snake in my boot! Pot-peddling preschoolers. The apocalypse is coming. Fight Club is real!
A few hours ago, you probably deleted an email from The Columbia Undergraduate Science Journal. Now that you know what CUSJ stands for, we bet you regret that click to the trash. Here are a few of the highlights. With their new skills, Coltrane, Prospero, and Horatio can play three-card-monte. Immigration. It turns South Asians […]
Watch out, Zvi G.—Harvard’s now got a SEAS of its own, having made its own Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences into a full-fledged School. Rumblings of the transition started a year ago, when DEAS Dean “Venky” resigned pending some big changes. SEAS—with an admit rate three times that of the Harvard school—just beats out […]
Gothamist is reporting that lefty New School students are doing a much better job protesting John McCain in his last commencement stop of the year than we did. Where was Columbia’s 1,000-signature petition? They even care about it in India! And no, that’s not the ceremony. Bwog is just still confused by the orange theme.
USA Today has chosen their 2006 All-USA High School Academic First Team, a ponderous name for 20 kids who have WAY too many activities in their young lives, including–we kid you not–inventing a patent-pending wearable breast exam training apparatus using diaper gel, cashews and a bikini. Math problem: Yale got 27% of those who didn’t […]
Commencement is being webcast (rather well) by the school here.
Yes, we’re that self-reverential. If you’ve never read a word of Spec coverage on Manhattanville, read this. It’s crazy! It’s okay, nobody else knows what the hell they’re talking about either. O’zbek tilini ko’proq talaba o’rganishini istardim. Yeah, that’s Uzbek, bitch. You will never be this cool. Ever. Happy Birthday! That will be two dollars […]
We have only our instincts. This we call the delivery of events, a fragile striking, unexpected, a poison, more a poison, the blade and the poison, and the sound of keys. There is no possibility of downfall.
Anton Glamb, that perpetual headliner of campus concerts, has made one of the trippiest music videos Bwog has seen in quite a while. In the words of bemused tipster Alex Kudroff, the film features “sweat (I think), gold boots, dark spaces, and words I can’t understand with love fairies or something.” Not to be missed. […]
The Midwest? Isn’t that somewhere around Lincoln Center? Saving the earth, one co-opted capitalist at a time. Larry David—not funny enough to be Jewish. SEEJies triumph, wish they could have barricaded Low. Naked partiers of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but the ability to pass each other normally on the sidewalk ever […]
Prestige-obsessed Columbians should be pleased to hear that 3 2 3 of the 5 most influential “idea-makers” in New York (as ranked by New York Magazine) work at Columbia! Everyone else should at least get some morbid thrill to know that on said magazine’s list of the 5 most influential New Yorkers in education, our […]
You may have noticed the piles of glossy paper gracing newsstands in recent days. We in the publications world think alike, which means that Columbians have to stomach us all at once. Unfortunately, none of them have posted their current issues online, but Bwog thought it would give them some airtime anyway. From Ad Hoc, […]
People reports what we’ve known all along: not even Scarlett Johansson is allowed to oust our picnics. She is welcome to join, however, as long as we get to slather her with sunscreen.
Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025