Live at Lerner really understands us. “You have like eighteen essays due in the next few weeks and about four midterms per class. It’s a rough part of the year to be a Columbia student,” organizers write. But they want us to drop our chewed-on pencils, remove our earbuds bursting with Pandora music, and come […]
If you’re looking for a way to fill up your Wednesday night that doesn’t involve homework or staring at a computer screen for hours, we have some alternatives, all beginning at 8 pm. Divas for DVAS Self-Defense Workshop: As part of its campaign for domestic violence awareness, Alpha Chi Omega, in conjunction with International Krav […]
Two cool events are coming to Lerner in the very near future: Today from 12-1PM: Anthony da Costa is playing the third Sounds event today. Da Costa’s music (and sideburns) are definitely worth checking out. An Italian lunch, including ziti, salad, bread, and cookies will be served. Tomorrow at 8 PM: Chicago’s big comedy group […]
As they are wont to do, our pals over at Live at Lerner will be presenting you with food and live entertainment today from 12-1pm. The food is Asian-themed: sweet and sour chicken and vegetarian lo mein (check out the Facebook event here). This week’s entertainment will be in the form of The Mast, and […]
Stop by the Lerner Piano Lounge from 12 to 2 pm today for free lunch brought to you by the good people of Live at Lerner. You can also register to vote and discuss political issues! Live at Lerner has teamed up with the Office of Multicultural Affairs and the Office of Civic Action and Engagement, because […]
Stop by Lerner today between 12 and 1 pm if you’re in the mood for something a little salty (Mexican food) and also pretty sweet (a performance by Miracles of Modern Science). Live at Lerner is hosting its weekly free lunch, and the menu is this: Quesadillas Chips Churros To pique your appetite, check out […]
From 12 to 2 pm today, your buddies at Live at Lerner will be handing out hundreds of scrumptious macarons. These melt-in-your-mouth scrumptious French goodies can be found in the Lerner Piano Lounge–where Live at Lerner has their events. Look out for the first one next week! Heavenly goodies via Wikimedia Commons
Drag your feeble shell of a body over to Lerner piano lounge today from 12 ’til 2 pm for the last Live at Lerner of the year. There will be song. There might be dance. There will definitely be free sushi. Expertly pull-quoted from their Facebook event, so you know they mean business: The menu […]
Symposium: Columbia Being Happy continues onwards today with another dose of Live at Lerner. Today’s production includes performance by Beast Make Bomb, a Brooklyn-based garage rock band with influence from the likes of the Pixies, the Velvet Underground, and Blink 182. Food for today is a Texan-inspired full meal including: Chicken or veggie quesadillas Nachos with […]
Today is Wednesday, but Live at Lerner isn’t just for Wednesdays this week. Continuing their week-long music/food/happiness fest, Bacchanal, Postcrypt, and L@L will host the third day of Symposium, your get-fed and get-cultured pre-Bacchanal special. On the aural menu today is Tall, Tall Trees, a Brooklyn band that self-describes as having “evolved from a quirky bluegrass […]
Live at Lerner isn’t just for Wednesdays this week. Continuing their week-long music/food/happiness fest, Bacchanal, Postcrypt, and L@L present another installation of Symposium, your get-fed and get-cultured pre-Bacchanal special. As always, the magic will happen from 12 to 2 pm in the Lerner Piano Lounge. Rather than a traditional musical accompaniment, Live at Lerner presents […]
Today marks the start of Symposium: A Weeklong Music Festival. Or, as we like to refer to it, Symposium: A Weeklong Concert with Tons of Free Food—we hope it catches on. A joint effort between Live at Lerner, Bacchanal, and Postcrypt Coffeehouse, the Symposium will feature concerts in Lerner Piano Lounge with fully catered free […]
Life is about the Tiny Victories. And so is Live at Lerner. Today, from 12 to 1 pm, they host the Brooklyn band, which NPR has described as one of the most promising up-and-comers in the country. Even if you aren’t lured by the sound of “smart, catchy electro-pop hooks,” we can’t imagine you’ll say […]
Update: The dressing is balsamic not ranch, the dessert variety is extensive, and the line is halfway down the ramps. You should be here. And now for something totally different… After presenting Lerner-ers with a long run of fantastic bands, Live at Lerner will host students from Juilliard Opera today from 12 to 1 pm in the Lerner […]
From 12 to 2 pm, head to the Lerner Piano Lounge for Midterms Study Break—Serious Games, a stress break with free sushi, music, and “pwn-ware” procured from the depths of JJ’s Place. Expect board games and Gamecubes, and maybe even a foosball table. Also, “ambient-dance worthy music.”
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025