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Posts Tagged with "photography"

Guest Writer Sofia Montagna shares how to join and submit to Barnard and Columbia’s literary magazines.

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Across the environment and political climate, storms are brewing in today’s Bwoglines.

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This week, while everyone was busy trying to get off the waitlist, Bwog’s newborn and junior staff writer, Layla Alexander, went to an art event on photography, Listening to Images. This past Thursday evening, I entered the Diana Center in anticipation of an engaging presentation on how black people had been portrayed in photography throughout […]

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Though some Columbia students avoid going to Claremont at all costs, one Bwogger and 47 Claremont resident has to cross the street every day to get home…and there are no crosswalks. Claremont Avenue runs only 11 blocks (from 116th Street to Tiemann Place), and it completely lacks crosswalks. Though Google Maps shows crosswalks at 120th […]

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Kevin Chiu ’17 may be a Civil Engineering student at SEAS, but with 510 YouTube subscribers, viral video fame to his name, and hundreds of freelance jobs under his belt, he is also, very decidedly, a cinematographer extraordinaire. He sat down with daily editor Sarah Dahl to discuss his passion for film and photos, which […]

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Yesterday, SIPA hosted a talk by Stephen Ferry on photography and human rights in Colombia, and Ross Chapman was there to bring you the details. Few countries have a part of their history explicitly called “The Violence.” One rare exception is the nation of Colombia, whose civil wars have spanned on and off for over […]

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Live at Lerner isn’t just for Wednesdays this week. Continuing their week-long music/food/happiness fest, Bacchanal, Postcrypt, and L@L present another installation of Symposium, your get-fed and get-cultured pre-Bacchanal special. As always, the magic will happen from 12 to 2 pm in the Lerner Piano Lounge. Rather than a traditional musical accompaniment, Live at Lerner presents […]

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For Lenny Pridatko, Columbia’s campus is a photographer’s dream. Students lying on picturesque lawns, surrounded by architecture, welcome the lensman to capture both the aesthetically pleasing and the historically significant. Where does Columbia fit into this dream, if not as a continually changing haven of ambitious souls and established minds refining their oasis? You can see […]

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Here’s yet another instance of some really important cultural things being totally free and right under our noses. The Silent Strength of Liu Xia is an exhibition at the Italian Academy of the work of house-arrested dissident Chinese photographer Liu Xia, wife of Nobel-winning poet Liu Xiaobo. Conor Skelding stepped inside. I’d never been inside Casa Italiana […]

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Weatherhead East Asian Institute is hosting their annual photograph exhibition in the Satow Room in Lerner from 5:30 – 7:30 pm, and there will be free refreshments present to aid your photography viewing.  And if you’re really feeling particularly artsy, after getting your fill of East Asian photography, head across the ramps to Lerner 568 for […]

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Show your appreciation of your friends’ fancy cameras in real life! Postcrypt Art Gallery (in the basement of St. Paul’s chapel) is celebrating the opening of their first show of the year, “Summer Photography,” at 7:30 this evening. It may not be Chelsea, but they do have snacks and beverages. The thing runs until 10, […]

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Free Food and Art

The taste of free food, the sight of student artwork, the sounds of music from iPod speakers, the smell of Lerner, and a touch of class. CU Exposure is giving away free food on the second floor of Lerner now until 1 pm. Artwork by Columbia students is on display. Go appreciate your fellow students […]

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With only a month of school left, this is a sad time for many seniors, who look around them and can’t help but feel waves of nostalgia issuing from all corners of this revered, and remarkably architecturally homogeneous campus. Soon-to-be graduate David Roche sent us this gem, and we were so touched that we thought […]

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99 Columbians is a multimedia project created by Angela Radulescu, CC’11 and Bennett Hong, CC’11 with the goal of bringing together the diverse group of individuals that make up our student body. To check it out or get involved, click here.

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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