BSchool professor Adam Dell is Padma’s babydaddy. At long last: beekeeping is legal in New York. GS student Sam Elchert is relieved. More on GS and the G.I Bill: GS student John McClelland talks to the BBC about his time as an Army medic. Generally Big Deal Person and History Professor David Eisenbach is writing […]
Match the quote to the speaker. To give you a break from problem sets, it should be pretty easy, but answers after the jump anyway. Good luck! Quotes Speakers “[I]t was like a national day of protest. There was a counterculture dimension to it.” Roberta Balstad, Center for Research on Environmental Decisions “…hardly principles on […]
Madonna Constantine sues TC, drama proves to be as eternal as Columbus’ legacy…oh wait… Farewell, evil Columbus Day! Hello, Indigenous Peoples Day! New Yorkers pay a lot of money for food; seem “more than willing to enjoy a bit of gastronomic luxury.” The economy, Columbia’s endowment are “mildly disheartening”: Spec-er has “vague impression” that “theoretically […]
It’s time for another chapter in the sorry tale of Madonna Constantine, the TC psychology professor who found a noose on her door and later found herself the subject of a plagiarism investigation. Anyway, she’s back, and she’s suing Columbia for wrongful termination. She had planned to appeal her termination, but that having apparently not […]
Everybody will read today’s issue for some forum. But there is other news, apparently: Madonna Constantine refuses to go away. How quickly could you construct a “Vag?” Professors aren’t gods? Whaaat? Already tired of New York clubs? Some months-old options.
Good morning, Columbia, hope you’re all set for some more Madonna Constantine updates. Oh good, let’s get started. First, according to last night’s AP report, Constantine has decided to appeal her termination, claiming that she was fired because of the noose incident and that the plagiarism charges are “baseless.” And speaking of nooses, it’s finally […]
Today, the Village Voice ran the first part of a billion part article that’s something like the definitive account of everything that happened surrounding Madonna Constantine. You might recall October’s noose-hanging incident and the whole multiple charges of plagiarism thing, for example. Anyway, we’ve distilled everything that’s new and important in the article in easy-to-digest […]
Conn Corrigan, a J-School grad writing for the New York Sun, is reporting that Madonna Constantine, she of noose-hanging incident and now-confirmed plagiarism fame, is being suspended indefinitely from Teachers College after an investigation concluded that despite her claims to the contrary, she did, in fact, plagiarize the works of two former doctoral candidates and […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025