2013er David Hu reports from last night’s Registration/Michael Jackson mashup. After a hectic week of moving in, attending semi-useful NSOP meetings, and countless awkward introductions to new people (most of whom will never meet again), the Class of 2013 was probably looking forward to finally being able to experience Thursday as their official start of […]
After a few days on campus, most first-years are getting sick of grassy lawns and brick buildings, not to mention Carman cinderblock. They’re ready to venture out into the city they know is waiting for them – or at least down to 110th and Broadway. The third installment of O-Bwog ‘09’s advice series suggests how […]
2013 may not have realized it, but that cookout last night was the best meal they’ll have in weeks, at least until Parents Weekend or the next fundraising event. Meanwhile, first-years will be experiencing the first days of their new meal plans. To help out, the second installment in O-Bwog ’09’s advice series looks at […]
With pictures snapping, campus safety patrolling and students and professors promenading en masse, this afternoon’s convocation began with all the fanfare of a red carpet affair. After brief introductions given by Dean Kevin Shollenberger and Dehui Kong, CC ’11 and NSOP Coordinator in Chief, faculty celebs took the podium to address students and parents of […]
At some point on the first day of Orientation, a sudden realization hits many a first-year: there are a lot of new people here (and one or two of them are hot!). Winning the friend lottery from this mass of people requires mastery of multiple tactics: Talk to random strangers. Within a few short weeks, […]
2013, you’ve just arrived on campus, and we know it’s rough out there. Orientation is awkward. You don’t know these people. You have to play Two Truths and A Lie and decide what color M&M you would be. “Wait, blue?! ZOMG, me too!” So while you desperately try to settle in, consider what your comrades […]
Earlier this afternoon, the coordinators over at NSOP finally released their schedule book, a hefty pamphlet full of some orientation activities and some more advertising. The breakdown, day-by-day: Monday: Convocation, OL meetings, Class Act/College Night, blah, blah, etc. Tuesday: This year’s Lit Hum first class teacher? Gareth Williams. SEAS, on the other hand, gets the […]
Fresh-faced 2013ers smile for the camera after arriving for COOP. – Photo by Char Smullyan
Do you have what it takes to be an NSOP coordinator? Only if you can follow rules and procedures, as posted in the SGO. Several questions: “Be nice to gatekeepers” – who are these gatekeepers, and what magical land are they guarding? “No skirts that Deans would not approve” – how does NSOP test […]
Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025