Whatever you may think of Columbia Student Councils, at least they’re reasonably clean. In comparison to NYU, almost anything would be–the College of Arts and Sciences is currently in the midst of a special election after the news broke that outgoing president Meredith Dolgin (whom Gawker called a “pompous ass”), having installed herself as head […]
In preparation for the storming of NYU, a few Bwog editors and other interested parties will be gathering tonight at La Negrita on 109th and Columbus to sharpen our skills before going big time. Trivia goes from 8:00 – 10:00 with a two-drink minimum. Swing by at around 7:45 if you want to get in […]
If you stayed uptown today, you missed the 2nd annual New York City Pillow Fight –organized by the public art group newmindspace, it attracted over three hundred pillow-wielding New Yorkers to Union Square at 2:00 to wail on complete strangers. Many in the crowd wore colorful and attention-drawing outfits, including a banana suit and several […]
Hey, NYU students know how to organize a protest too! Columbia Cottage’s watered-down wine is not the only foul thing there, apparently The only legit programming on the TV Guide Channel? Earbuds? Please, they are so 1999 Your CUID could ruin your life
Good weather, apparently, begets genius. Earlier today, a commenter left the following on the Think Coffee review: “i propose we get a gaggle of cu students together to go down to think on scrabble nights (thursdays??) and kick some nyu ass.” Kick some NYU ass? Something we do both far too much and yet not […]
Bwog coffee-reviewer Downing Bray takes you off campus for a caffeine jolt. If the idea of setting foot into Butler sends you chills worse than the sub-zero wind chill temperatures of late, and your idea of getting off campus to study entails venturing beyond a 10-block radius from Columbia, you might just want to think […]
Yeah, we’re Establishment now… fuck. Quite possibly better news than Chipotle Alternatively, we could hire chauffeurs. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA we love Ben Grosghal. And a little from the outside world… Bollinger dishes to Observer, avoids Biden fumble Gothamist on wheatpaste CUCRs one-upped by the NYU Republicans
Paul Sonne, Editor in Chief of CPR and Rhodes finalist, almost ended Columbia’s six year losing streak on the Rhodes scholarship this year, (even NYU and Duke scored awards—as if basketball and US News rankings weren’t enough). Luckily, he had already landed the Marshall and its free ride to Oxford, where he’ll be getting a […]
He must’ve been talking shit about Interpol. – Adam K. Raymond, NYU ’07
Ode to Wallach Hall Gaming Lounge
January 29, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
January 28, 2025Alleged Columbia Senate Proposal Calls For Mask Ban
January 28, 2025Alleged Columbia Senate Proposal Calls For Mask Ban
January 27, 2025