You may have missed your chance to get a balloon animal, but take heart, there’s still plenty of fun to be had around campus. Occupy CU is holding a protest outside of the Law School, calling on Michael Sovern, former CU prez and current chair of Sotheby’s, to end the worker lockout. The crowd was […]
Yet another Monday. Fall Break is behind us, and Thanksgiving is still a while away. Seems like a fairly innocuous week, doesn’t it? Little do you know your every minute is latent with meaning. This relatively arbitrary sequence of November days is playing host to not one, but at least five separate “Week of…” events. […]
Students on campus have shared their positive reactions to President Obama’s proposed changes to student loan debt forgiveness. Others aren’t so happy. (NY1, The Atlantic) Protesters in Zuccotti Park have to adapt to deal with the dropping thermostat. But that doesn’t worry the organizers, who think that the cold, “will clean out the square’s riffraff and those […]
We’re sick and tired of the man keeping aspiring writers/journalists/funny people down. Wearethe99percent who look at stupid posters and think, “Gee, I bet that a lot of other people would find my shoddy cellphone pic funny.” Well we aren’t going to take it any more. Join us as we take over Lerner SGO starting at 7pm. […]
SEAS Announces New Aerospace Engineering Minor
December 9, 2024Columbia Marriage Pact: We Moved In Together!
December 5, 2024Review: Kenneth Branagh As King Lear At The Shed
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December 1, 2024