You might have enjoyed some nip-slips at Baccha90s this weekend, but watch out when you move off Columbia’s campus. In Utah, you get taxed for showing some skin. (Time) However hard you’ve been trying to do so in your Global Core lecture, you should consider getting bored more often. (The Dish) The cop who pepper-sprayed […]
Another shooting of a young black male took place in Wisconsin this week; of course, comparisons are drawn to the controversial Trayvon Martin case. (HuffPo) Who would have thought: the rich are getting richer. (Washington Post) Striking a balance between responsibility and liberty will be key to the Supreme Court’s upholding of Obamacare. (NYT) There’s a […]
Bwog sent over our resident Building Buff Briana Last to report on last night’s talk, “Public Space and Public Consciousness” at the Event Oval in the Diana Center at 6 pm. The lecture was given by Michael Kimmelman as part of the Barnard Department of Education’s “For the Public Good” series. This series is part […]
The Grammys were last night! Adele learned you can take an awful break-up and parlay it into 6 awards, viewers learned who Bonny Bear Bon Iver is, and Nicki Minaj pissed off Italian grandmothers everywhere. (Reuters, Fox News) Though our Occupy class never came to fruition, students at other universities are getting schooled in the […]
Yesterday, we told you that the Anthropology Department’s recently-announced class on the Occupy Wall Street movement was on the ropes. We have now received what is more or less an official confirmation of the cancellation of the course, at least for the coming semester. According to Mia Mendicino, the Coordinator for Academic Affairs at Columbia College, […]
“Occupy the Field,” that Anthro class slated for next spring meant to examine OWS from within both seminar rooms and GAs, is M.I.A.—from the bulletin, that is. The class, which was posted on the Department of Anthropology’s website as of December 31st, is now nowhere to be found. Neither an SSOL search nor a foray into the […]
A few days ago the History Department emailed about a new class, “Occupy the Field.” That’s “a field-based course about Occupy Wall Street and the Occupy Movement more broadly,” which, you will recall, began last semester. The Anthropology Department is responsible. Apparently, the class will be split between seminar and field work at OWS. Accordingly, the […]
Be on the lookout for the December issue of The Blue & White, which will be arriving on campus this week. In the meantime, Bwog will honor our heritage/amorous affair with our mother magazine by posting features from the upcoming issue. Such treats include a breakdown of Barnard’s budget woes, a look at Columbia’s proposal for […]
The LAPD raided OccupyLA yesterday, arresting 200 and dispersing protesters without much conflict or violence. (WSJ) Dershowitz believes the key to peace in Israel is Palestinian Chicken — he recommends Prime Minister Netanyahu watch the hilarious Curb Your Enthusiasm episode with Palestinian President Abbas in an interview with the Current. (Tablet, Current) Columbia researchers believes America is vulnerable to crippling cyber-attacks and exploding printers. HP […]
The Occupiers are getting feisty. Last night an email was sent out from their alias (which shows up as “Lee Bollinger”) to the offices of Dean Hinkson, President Spar, President Bollinger, and various contacts from Jezebel, Gawker, Gothamist, and the New York Times, demanding an explanation from the administration for the increased police presence during […]
The #occupiers have been getting a lot of attention lately, but support at Columbia is hardly universal. (Spec) Newt Gingrich wants to be “humane,” and takes considerable criticism because of it. (WP, Reuters) Mitt Romney claims his first name is Mitt. It’s not. (Gawker) Are criticisms of police brutality unfounded? Recent NYPD statistics show the lowest […]
Barnard’s campus has been fortified! Fearing unrest related to the Barnard General Assembly planned for this evening by Occupy Columbia, extraordinary security measures are currently being enforced. Barnard Hall has been closed, there is an NYPD car and police barricades in front of the 117th street gate, and Public Safety officers are checking IDs at […]
A New York resident was arrested yesterday and charged with planning to build and detonate bombs across the city. (NYTimes) They squabbled and squawked, but the congressional supercommittee charged with resolving the debt crisis just couldn’t do it. Even after they asked for an extension from their UWriting Professor President. (Bloomberg) Occypy Wall Street, after […]
This week is OccupyCU’s Student Week of Action. Read on for Bwog resident #Occupier Jed Bush’s report on Day Three’s speak out and Day Four’s rally and march to Union Square, the latest in our ongoing coverage of this week’s events. Thursday: Today, OccupyCU participated in a student strike in solidarity with the OWS Day of Action, whose aims […]
Those strolling across College Walk a moment a go saw a glimmer of Winter’s glow. Facilities is testing the lights in preparation for the annual tree lighting ceremony. Daylight hours may be waning, but at least we’re getting prepared to fight the night. Students assembling for the 2 pm OWS march to Union Square are […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025