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Posts Tagged with "off-campus flex we hardly knew ye"

Image courtesy of Another vendor has been stricken from the Flex-friendly list—this time, by the University. Camille’s on Amsterdam Avenue has been expelled from the Flex program for non-compliance with the University’s alcohol restrictions. Administrators say they caught the restaurant allowing students to purchase alcohol using Flex on multiple occasions. “Any attempt to purchase […]

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Housing and Dining officials now advise students paying by Off-Campus Flex to expect transactions to take “about 45 seconds from swipe to signature.” You can thank technology straight out of 1996: dial-up modems. Merchants use them to connect to the Flex network, and in an e-mail to Bwog this week, Michael Novielli of Student Auxiliary […]

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Flex Flees Nussbaum

– Photo by LDP It seems that Nussbaum will not be accepting your CUID as payment for breakfast this morning, so best go start looking for that 5-spot in your other jeans.  According to the nice people behind the counter, this was not an act of Flex-deserting a la everywhere else, but a simple case […]

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Bwog Sewage Specialist Jon Hill sends this picture from a gutter on 113th Street, where dreams find their final resting place. The Off-Campus Flex Affair has been one long and painful breakup between Columbia students and every eating establishment for miles, but this sort of cruelty to Ms. Card is uncalled for. Note the broken […]

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Spending your parents’ money just got a little harder. Local greengrocer-cum-discotheque Westside Market has stopped accepting Off-Campus Flex for purchases made between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m., the hours of the store’s highest traffic volume. The announcement this weekend came in the form of a delightfully terse sign posted at Westside registers (see right). Like […]

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Say goodbye to off-campus Flex at two of its previous locations: Samad’s Gourmet, and the dubiously sanitary Amir’s. Oh and one other thing: It’s not them, it’s you. According to Michael Novielli of Student Auxiliary and Business Services (heretofore known as SABS), “neither establishment had the volume of Flex business it had hoped for.”

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Though we previously reported the Death of Off-Campus Flex, we’re here to edit that pronouncement. Kind of. While Hamdel sandwiches remain just out of reach (so close, yet also far!), CCSC President Michelle Diamond just announced that University Hardware is now accepting Flex.  This way, you can use all the cash you don’t spend on […]

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As we reported yesterday, HamDel decided to stop accepting Flex Points. The secession came as a surprise to CCSC and to the positively Lincolnian Michael Novielli (of Student Auxiliary and Business Services), who stopped by HamDel today to speak with the owner, Nick. According to Nick, the long lines of students eager for sandwiches and […]

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Bwog received startling news from Tipster Casey Johnston who photographed the distressing sign (see right) outside of HamDel. And just three weeks into Off-Campus Flex’s brief flirtation with existence! Bwog called HamDel, desperate for answers. “Um… I dunno,” answered a HamDel employee when questioned about the disappearance (death?) of Off-Campus Flex. CC ’09 President George […]

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