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Posts Tagged with "pena-mora"

This morning, Mayor Bill de Blasio appointed former Dean of SEAS Dr. Feniosky Peña-Mora as the new Commissioner of the Department of Design and Construction for New York City. Peña-Mora served as SEAS’s fourteenth dean from 2009 to 2012, when he abruptly resigned from office in an event we dubbed Peñamonium. For freshmen and sophomores out there, this all happened […]

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The school year might be over as far as final exams and cat-naps in Butler go, but as we learned last summer, there’s never a dull moment for the admin. As SEAS seniors and their Dean get ready to tear up South Lawn, their student council remind us that there’s more to the story, with […]

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It’s been six months since the New York Times reported that most of the SEAS senior faculty wanted Dean Peña-Mora to resign and Professor Goldfarb was appointed Executive Vice Dean of SEAS. According to Spec, not much has changed; most professors still have no confidence in Peña-Mora. What does the dean think about all this? […]

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It seems like just yesterday that PrezBo anointed Feniosky Peña-Mora dean of SEAS. Back in 2009, that halcyon year, Feni was talked up by ‘Bo, wore a doofy tee shirt, and hell, even sat down with OldBwog. These days are a little less rosy—the Times, which first profiled the guy in ’09, has of late […]

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Spec provides further context for the growing dissatisfaction with Dean Peña-Mora. (Spec) Our own faculty woes seem little in light of yesterday’s verdict that Rod Blagojevich, former governor of Illinois, will serve to 14 years in prison for 18 counts of federal corruption. (Reuters) Columbia’s Manhattanville campus has forced the owner of a West Harlem Cuban restaurant to close shop for the past 18 […]

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The leadership of SEAS Dean Feniosky Peña-Mora was brought under intense scrutiny in an article in The New York Times today. The story notes the numerous resignations of department heads since his arrival, citing frustration with his direction. This semester, two letters of no confidence in the Dean—signed by the majority of tenured faculty in SEAS—have been […]

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