It’s another day of shattered hearts and broken dreams. It’s . . . Housing™.
An effusion of fancy . . .
As is customary before any break, we’ve re-posted our peregrination pointers list in hopes that you will have the quickest, safest, cheapest, most comfortable ride home. And if you have a travel secret that doesn’t appear on the list, email Sharing is caring. How to decide upon the lesser of the three evils: train, […]
The Samuel Jackson flick Snakes on a Plane will hit theaters everywhere tomorrow with perhaps more internet hype and a longer Wikipedia article than any new release in history. It’s also most likely the only film to inspire spinoffs before even reaching the viewing public, including–but not limited to–SoaP Sudoku, the prequel Snakes on a […]
Fireside Chat With Dr. Anthony Fauci On Public Health And Pandemics
February 11, 2025Speak Now: Joan Jonas
February 10, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
February 8, 2025Marginalia: The Bibles Of Butler
February 8, 2025