It’s the last day of Tuesday/Thursday classes. Before you abandon them forever, let your professors’ wisdom/ejaculations come in through one ear (see right) and onto Bwog. Send your sendoffs to, or leave them in the comments. It’s a tradition! P.S. Don’t forget to include the name of the professor and their course. Aural organ […]
“How much of what I’ve told you about myself over the course of this semester do you think is true or valid? Absolutely none of it…”* It’s that time of the year again, when your professors make sardonic, life-changing comments because they are glad to be rid of you and your smartphone and your youthful […]
We’ve all been trying to keep tabs on the current situation in Japan. Bwog wants to help you make sense of the headlines, and who better to ask than our own faculty? We have one of the oldest and most renowned East Asian studies departments in the country, and a slew of scientists cited across […]
Dear Professors, We hear you. Sometimes we under-hear you (read: 9 a.m. class), but when we’re very lucky, we overhear you! And not just while you’re weighing in on important international issues; we also hear those cavalier comments you improvise in lecture. And since we like what we’ve heard lately so much, we thought we’d share: Shamus […]
When they’re not busy talking about boobs and mavericks, your profs are offering their wisdom outside the lecture hall. Geniuses walk among us common folk! Below, we’ve compiled their thoughts, heard and read across the media, on the recent developments in Tunisia, Egypt and Syria. Hamid Dabashi, Professor of Iranian Studies and Comparative Literature – […]
Imposters are taking over! It seems that we’re not the only ones with fake—or real—teacher twitters. See, @LEE_BOLLINGER? You’re not #AllAlone. (NYT) The rats are taking over! The TV screen, that is. Animal Planet is planning a reality show about New York City’s rats. We recommend that they start their search for tiny, whiskered stars on […]
Earlier this week, we compiled your profs’ most outrageous openers, but then you sent in a few more gems. Below, the stragglers of this semester’s silliest: Laura Kay, Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology “When sending me an email, send it to this address. My other address is filled with spam, mostly regarding body parts that I […]
Professors will say anything to get you hooked, and Bwog is sure that these characters will still have full classes come March. Keep sending in the hilarious, horrifying and otherwise memorable to John Collins, Metaphysics “I’m a bit of a maverick. Well, not like Sarah Palin. I’m an unarmed maverick.” Ovidiu Savin, Calculus III […]
Have you ever noticed how time seems to run so much more slowly when you’re not drinking 9 cups of coffee a day and putting half of that energy into being passively aggressive? Bwoglines leisurely returns with a first installment: a feast of not-strictly-topical links, and context—something we all wish we had more time for. […]
And so it ends—not with a bang, but with a whimper—the last semester of the first decade of the new millennium. And if you needed more roundabout and somewhat forced catharsis than that, we asked for your professors’ closing remarks, and here is a collection of the most outstanding. Feel free to leave any we […]
Today is the last day of class. Nuggets, CULPA and otherwise, abound! As per tradition, at the end of the semester we want to hear your professor’s closing remarks. Your professors will say something (they read Bwog! they know what’s up). If it’s mundane/erotic/humorous or pithy in any form, pass it on to, or […]
The first two days are up. Your profs did what they could to hook you in. Here are the highlights from the crazy geniuses who walk among us. Keep ’em coming! Adam Cannon, Intro to Computer Science/Programming-Java “Cheating is like pornography; you know it when you see it.” Padma Desai, Principles of Economics Desai: “Do […]
Unless you were born, like, literally yesterday you know what what’s going on. But first classes continue today and we have a feeling our wonderful faculty will continue to make wonderful remarks. So if you want to share something you hear, hit up or the comments and we’ll put it on teh internetz. Cool?
You know the drill: the semester’s ending, strange things are coming up on our lawns, and your teachers are saying even stranger things. We asked for your professors’ closing remarks, and here are a collection of the most outstanding: Sam Moyn, Historical Origins of Human Rights “Well, it’s been a sheer delight. Have nice lives.” […]
“This is not the most important question I’ll ask today, but how many of you think that Cornell can beat Kentucky?” -Ira Katznelson, 20th Century American History, God Among Men
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
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March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
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March 14, 2025