Many of you no doubt perked up in late August when the U.S. News & World Report college rankings were released. Others pretended they were too cool for those rankings, and then snuck in a peek anyways. Well, now, the Times of London has released its own rankings, and, unlike the America-only U.S. News rankings, […]
Tomorrow, US News & World Report will release the most important list of our time or any other: its annual ranking of the best colleges and universities. Bwog received an exciting advance press release, the only information on which was that this year Columbia, Duke, and the University of Chicago share the 8th place spot […]
Tipster John Hill forwarded Bwog a most interesting link: Trojan is kind enough to release a ranked list (warning: PDF) of American universities on the basis of their standards of sexual health. Breathe easy; Columbia took 12th place of 139 (third among the Ivies, after Harvard and Penn, and 51 places above those filthy Cornell […]
Bwog’s inbox just got word that the Columbia College valedictorian has been named: Maxim Pinkovskiy, majoring in economics-mathematics, a Soros Fellow, and bound for a Ph. D. at MIT. Maxim, from St. Petersburg by way of Brooklyn, has won several prestigious essay contests and took an internship at the Federal Reserve. But did he give […]
Or so says 95-year-old philanthropist John Templeton, who, among his billionaire chums, must endow the most mystical foundation. The John Templeton Foundation has power-given millions of dollars to scientists researching questions of God, ethics, and spirituality. One of their projects, buried within their labyrinthine website, is a ranking of the colleges most committed to building […]
But there’s something to be said for promulgating embargoed press releases, even if “Princeton, Harvard, and Yale Lead U.S.News & World Report’s Annual Ranking of Best National Universities” could almost be an Onion headline.
Good news, followed by some possibly not so good, but on closer ex amination pretty awesome news: CHIPOTLE IS OPEN! And better still, they’re offering a $5 drink-and-burrito combo until closing today. Athletes can rejoice at the fact that 100% of today’s sales will go towards Columbia athletics; stoners and lovers of Mexican food can […]
Here comes the revolution: members of the Annapolis Group, a loose consortium of liberal arts colleges, have finally decided to bolt from U.S. News and World Report’s embattled college rankings, and are promising to come up with a system of their own. Among them is outgoing Barnard President Judith Shapiro, who laid out her opposition […]
After weeks of breathless waiting, university administrators found out yesterday how their school fared this year on that outsized arbiter of institutional excellence, the US News and World Report college rankings. Nothing much changed, at least in the range Columbia cares about: the span between number one and number nine, where it’s been stuck for […]
Watch out, Zvi G.—Harvard’s now got a SEAS of its own, having made its own Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences into a full-fledged School. Rumblings of the transition started a year ago, when DEAS Dean “Venky” resigned pending some big changes. SEAS—with an admit rate three times that of the Harvard school—just beats out […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025