Classes have begun, and you’re eager to know what your instructors have in store beyond that cute introductory slide lecture. CULPA expert Owain Evans is here to help, writing Bwog to point out what he thought was a suspicious evaluation. “Was this review written by the grad student himself?” he wonders. Bwog can’t say, but […]
As promised, we’ve reviewed those silly holiday sandwiches for the benefit of the consumer- you! Correspondent Dena Yago offers the following appraisal. Religious culinary politics, a pre-eminent topic this time of year, has revealed itself not so subtly on behalf of the $5.50 Holiday Sandwiches sold around campus. My experience with these creations left me […]
In which S. Alex Kudroff tells us what makes B&W staffer Will Snider’s play different from all other plays… “Everything Different” is college compressed into 85 minutes. Will Snider manages to capture the essence of a night of drunken mayhem in a dorm suite where conversations roam from love to sex, depression, drugs, revolution, and […]
The Samuel Jackson flick Snakes on a Plane will hit theaters everywhere tomorrow with perhaps more internet hype and a longer Wikipedia article than any new release in history. It’s also most likely the only film to inspire spinoffs before even reaching the viewing public, including–but not limited to–SoaP Sudoku, the prequel Snakes on a […]
When Bwog finds a complimentary copy of Columbia College Today squashed into its 4″ by 4″ mailbox, it tends to glance at the smiling administrator or alumnus on the cover and toss the glossy mag on a Lerner ramp bench. Sometimes, though, the photo has something about it, some special quality, that keeps Bwog from […]
Admit it, you’re glad you didn’t have to sit out in the rain for the class days and Commencement, but you kind of want to know if anything interesting happened during the graduation festivities. As usual, Bwog’s got you covered. Precipitation: It rained, dulling the much-ballyhooed McCain protest (sez the NY Times), and giving rise […]
The Midwest? Isn’t that somewhere around Lincoln Center? Saving the earth, one co-opted capitalist at a time. Larry David—not funny enough to be Jewish. SEEJies triumph, wish they could have barricaded Low. Naked partiers of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but the ability to pass each other normally on the sidewalk ever […]
You may have noticed the piles of glossy paper gracing newsstands in recent days. We in the publications world think alike, which means that Columbians have to stomach us all at once. Unfortunately, none of them have posted their current issues online, but Bwog thought it would give them some airtime anyway. From Ad Hoc, […]
The MoMA has done it again. They’ve brought us another huge, ambitious show, in the vein of last summer’s Cezanne-Pisarro. This time, the subject is Edvard Munch. The show is excellent—it not only rehabilitates the underrated Munch but also sheds new light on the artist. With many little-known works in addition to the greatest hits, […]
In which staffer Mark Krotov gives movie suggestions for those who fear to venture off the 1, 2, and 3 lines. AMC Loews 84th Street 6 84th and Broadway Hoot A children’s film about endangered owls, corruption and crooked land development, produced by the paragon of political engagement and vitriolic rhetoric, Jimmy Buffett. He […]
Bwog Correspondent Mark Holden reports: The Big Kiss II went down last Saturday, this time at the Whitney Museum. Apparently, an art professor thought it would be hilarious if a bunch of college kids started smooching in the middle of his exhibition. Which is exactly what happened. This Big Kiss didn’t achieve the Low Steps […]
Most performances beginning with the announcement, “Wait, we’ve got to start it again. Sorry folks,” don’t end up being worth the time spent in an uncomfortable black box chair (luckily, this one was free). Most also don’t include two synchronized TVs, pre-show advice to use provided flashlights in moments of intense darkness, and a goggled, […]
Bwog staffer Kabir Singh reviews the Asia Society’s Rockefeller exhibit. In 1919 Lucy Aldrich wrote to her sister Abby Aldrich Rockefeller from Japan: “I’m not sure I shan’t become a Buddhist…the whole thing appeals so much more to my temperamental—or is it emotional—love of color. The gold and lacquer, the beat of the drums and […]
Bwog staffer Juliya Butareva reviews Alexander Valdman’s show of contemporary painting at the InterArts gallery. Alexander Valdman’s wife tells a story about how, while waiting to meet a friend on a street corner in Manhattan, she and her husband were suddenly accosted by a cop. As she politely answered the policeman’s questions, Valdman suppressed a […]
Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025