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Posts Tagged with "sexual violence"

Chair of Literature Humanities Joanna Stalnaker moderated a conversation about sexual violence in Ovid’s poetry with New Yorker staff writer Jia Tolentino and classicist Stephanie McCarter.

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If you’ve visited Columbia’s Sexual Violence Response page lately, you might be as angry as we are about the quick escape button that doesn’t actually do the one job it’s been designed to do. Join our staff writer in the callout against the quick escape button– only an hour away by subway! Content warning: discussion […]

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Campus group No Red Tape (NRT) is hosting a Survivors Week of events, talks, and performances aimed “to raise awareness about the issues faced by survivors of sexual and dating violence both on and off campus.” Highlights include: today (Monday’s) 8-10 pm talk with Professor Christia Mercer on justice and incarcerated survivors. The event is […]

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The Deans of Columbia College, SEAS, Barnard and GS just released an email highlighting major points of the gender-based misconduct policy as the academic year kicks into gear. It is a reminder of what constitutes gender-based misconduct and sexual assault, what the potential consequences are for perpetrators, and various related acts. Notably, the email emphasizes “the […]

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The Coalition Against Sexual Violence will hold a community forum this Sunday in the Lerner Satow Room from 12 pm to 2 pm. The discussion will center around how we can change the culture surrounding rape and sexual assault on campus, and how Columbia can reform its policies and improve resources for victims of sexual violence. […]

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This Thursday, pro Lecture-hopper Elizabeth Self attended “Breaking the Silence: Sexual Violence in Islam,” and brought back some valuable information to share.   This was really heavy subject matter, and when I arrived Thursday to a room full of round tables, I felt the gravity of the situation pretty harshly. Sure, I was interested in the […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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