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Posts Tagged with "shopping period"

Guest Writer Theo explores the uninhibited delusion of the shopping period.

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It’s that time of year again! What weird buildings has Columbia put your humanities classes in this semester? 

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Congratulations! You survived the past two weeks.

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The shopping period has come to a close! Today is the last day you can add classes without the instructor’s permission. You can still drop classes until Tuesday, October 9. If you like a class but aren’t sure if you want to take it Pass/D/Fail, you have until Thursday, November 15. Photo via Pixabay  

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Are you looking at the 30 credits you registered for and realizing it’s impossible? Have you decided that you can’t take five classes back to back every day? Whatever your reasons may be for considering dropping a class, Bwog is here to help you with 10 ways to justify the drops to yourself, your parents, or […]

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Whether you love the shopping period or think it was invented by malevolent spirits plotting to turn you to the dark side, you’ll soon be free of its clammy, insistent clutches. After tomorrow, there will be no more strolling into a new class, picking up the syllabus, and then surfing B@B for the entire lecture. […]

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Even though school has been in session for a couple of days, there are some things that we still aren’t certain of—which meal plan we would actually benefit from,  which clubs we will actually be active in, and even which classes we’re actually going to take. Most of our schedules are loaded with classes, some […]

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We all know those classes – the ones that ruin your semester, kill your mood, make you yearn for the sweet escape of death. For your convenience, we’ve created a list of everything to avoid: Race and Ethnicity in American Politics – “A course that had a lot of potential yet seemed to focus on […]

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