All of those hours you slaved and slaved away in the dim glow of your computer screen writing pages and pages of literary analysis have finally paid off! Well, if you got an A, at least. But we know you’re all super smart. From now until close, the Village Pourhouse is offering a free “Scholar’s […]
The taste of free food, the sight of student artwork, the sounds of music from iPod speakers, the smell of Lerner, and a touch of class. CU Exposure is giving away free food on the second floor of Lerner now until 1 pm. Artwork by Columbia students is on display. Go appreciate your fellow students […]
GlobeMed is running an Easter Egg Hunt on campus all day today! Find one of the golden eggs hidden around campus and you’ll get a free gift card, which is almost as good as inheriting a magical candy empire.
ZagatBuzz is giving away an $100 gift certificate for Mel’s to the first person who guesses the number of lightbulbs in the sign. Just email with “Mel’s Bar and Burger” in the subject line, along with your guess. Start counting!!
Want to quench your thirst on this glorious sunny day? SEADS in Cambodia has hidden 32 bottles of Orangina at campus landmarks, all with little tags on them with the group’s name. Find them if you can!
There is a Residential Programs brunch happening now until 2pm with a lot of food and a suggested donation of $3 that will go to the Haiti Relief efforts on campus. Stop by EC now!
If you’re willing to sign a pledge and be part of the National Marriage Boycott, a movement for the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, head on over to the Lerner ramps before 2 and get cookies or brownies! If you’re not willing, well, eh, that’s just the way the cookie crumbles. Image via […]
Come one, come all for free cupcakes! Not actually – this only applies to you if you have a ratty, unwanted, or unfashionable coat lying around (which we know you do) and can carry it to the ProjectHealth Coat Drive between today and Saturday (which you probably can). If you do bring over your old […]
SEAS Classes of 2011 and 2012, be sure to join Dean Peña-Mora in Carleton Lounge in Mudd at 8:00pm tonight for an opportunity to meet him while grubbing on free pizza and drinks. Maybe even get his take on the swim test. And for the rest of us, Amir’s on 114th and Broadway is having […]
A newish bar on the Upper West Side (alas, two blocks short of being in Morningside) has a novel concept, reports The Feedbag. Show a receipt for your cab ride there and they’ll pay for your ride– in the form of a bar tab! Now, finally there’s a reason to take a cab home after […]
In other news, Wien residents awoke to a cordial email from Housing & Dining today, apologizing for the shut-down of the building’s food court. In its place, Health Services and friends are moving into the arena (perhaps adding to the onslaught of mental institution jokes about the building). As a gesture of reconciliation, Dining Services […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025