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Posts Tagged with "gay marriage"

Mostly pleasant Bwoglines were ruined by Eric Adams’s budget cuts.

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Free condoms in France, plus an update on the “tridemic” in today’s Bwoglines.

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Bieber’s capuchin monkey, Mally, though still stuck in better hands with the Munich Animal Protection League, might go to a zoo soon. (Entertainment News) France became the 14th nation to approve same-sex marriage, and this little girl is adorable! (NY Times) Party with Petraeus in NYC beginning next August, as he’s been named visiting professor at CUNY’s […]

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Researchers combine their love of Harry Potter with a possible revolution in the fishing industry: invisibility fishnets. (The Register) Those equal signs on your Facebook are only going to keep popping up, because the Supreme Court is discussing DOMA today. (Chicago Tribune) Obama appoints Julia Pierson as the first female head of the Secret Service. […]

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Stock photos of heroin addicts (The Guardian) Government Agents inspecting your privates (The New American) Dictators being dictated (Deadline) Self-perpetuating wealth (New York Times) Some politicians do have a heart! (LA Times)     The height of musical class via Wikimedia Commons

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In: Smelling like a Yankee (Gothamist) Out: Gay marriage. (Reuters) In?: Gay marriage (NYT) Out: Mormons looking cute for class (HuffPo) In: Exercise (Gawker) Style Advice via Wikimedia Commons

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Last Thursday, Army General Ray Odierno appeared on the Colbert Report to announce the end of the War in Iraq, and over the weekend, the last U.S. troops rolled across the border from Iraq to Kuwait. Most troops will be home for Christmas, but some 4,000 will remain in Kuwait as a quick reaction force. […]

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Love is in the air today, the first day that gay and lesbian couples can legally wed in the state of New York. In the city alone, 823 couples—including two of Mayor Bloomberg’s aides—are scheduled to be married. It’s all thanks to the Marriage Equality Act, which passed late last month. In honor of this […]

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Lots o’ free food coming atcha tonight. At 8pm in the Dodge Room at Earl Hall, Fatima Tsiouris (from the Mailman School of Public Health) will speak on “the burden of HIV/AIDS on women and children: transmission and treatment.” Thai food and snacks will be in abundance. Facebook event here. From there, dash over to […]

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Urban canines visiting Chelsea are mistaken for cross-dressing prostitutes. (NY Mag) Trader Joe’s not so secretly joins the influx of grocery stores on the UWS. (Westside Independent) Obama could make Columbia Professor Michael Woodford the new Donald Kohn. (Reuters) Reagan’s face threatens Ulysses S. Grant’s. (LA Times) Repression can lead to all kinds of problems. […]

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Stay in your homes – the Cataclyzzard is here! (The Weather Channel) Paterson’s bombshell story (Take 1 2 3 4). (NYT) The fight for marriage equality steps up. (NYT) The Battle of the Barnard Meal Plan Part V: Deployment of the Student Task Force. (Spec)

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The College Dems held a contentious rally against a member of their own party on Thursday. Bwog’s Senior Love/Hate Correspondent Mahrah Taufique reports. Despite the slush and chilly weather, the Columbia University College Democrats (CUCD), joined by State Assemblyman Daniel O’Donnell, rallied on the steps of Low from 9am to 3pm yesterday for the first […]

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The College Democrats are on Low Steps now for the first event of their Students Advancing Marriage Equality (SAME) campaign. Assemblyman Daniel O’Donnell, State Assemblyman for District 69 (aka Rosie O’Donnell’s brother), will be speaking at the event at noon!

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The National Marriage Boycott, a new offshoot of CQA, just staged an ‘Anti-Wedding’ on Low Steps to protest the Defense of Marriage Act. Anti-man and anti-wife were clad in suit and gown, respectively, and both exclaimed ‘I don’t!” The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) prohibits the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages. Sean Udell, Treasurer […]

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The Helmsley Hotel has cancelled a banquet scheduled for next weekafter learning that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was expected to attend and speak.  Ahmadinejad, shown, growls toothily in response.  (NY Post) The summer’s high incidence of shoplifting has inspired storeowners’ increased attention to security.  Filling your Tupperware with free salmon dip at Westside Market just […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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