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Posts Tagged with "panic"

Nothing says welcome back from spring break quite like the worst part of the Columbia experience — housing. If you haven’t checked already, your lottery number is ready for grand reveal just in time to brighten up ruin your first Monday back on campus. Approach the Housing Portal with caution, and take sudden breakouts of hysteria […]

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This past week, the Class of 2014 had several opportunities to get their official senior portrait taken. Awkward, unphotogenic Alexandra Svokos tried desperately to redeem herself from her ridiculously horrible high school yearbook portrait. Here’s her internal monologue. You are not going to fuck this up again. Just get in there, do what they say, and […]

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Now is the time to remain in a state of calm panic! Monday classes are cancelled! Though we have yet to receive official word from the administration, the Columbia preparedness website has announced that all classes and events on Monday, 10/29 are cancelled. Given Columbia’s general reticence to cancel classes, this move is likely in direct response […]

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If you’ve been having trouble loading a page or three, you’re not alone as it seems that Columbia’s internet is down just about everywhere.  Which, of course, makes us wonder how you’re reading this in the first place… (Yeah, yeah, smart phones—we know.) No updates yet on the situation, but you can check for the latest […]

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No, it’s not just Butler Wi-Fi… Courseworks is down! According to CUIT, they’re doing “emergency work,” but everything will be back to normal at 11pm. So hurry, that’s about 22.5 more music videos you can watch guilt-free! Update, 12:36 AM: Relax and go back to work!  Courseworks is back up.

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Whilst we suffer through finals… …grandmothers protest the war(s) (NYT) …the MTA budget continues to suffer (Gothamist) …CUNY is forced to limit the number of applications (City Room) …and Spec has video of Orgo Night

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Lottery numbers—yeah, we’ve been incessantly refreshing just like you. Log into StarRezPortal, go to “Applications,” select next year, and your lottery number is under “Registration Summary.” So. How’s that Claremont suite looking now? Remember to look over our housing updates, info, advice, strategies, gossip and overheards and breakdowns here. Remember: it’s the 2010 Housing Lottery: […]

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Don’t Forget!

5:00pm (that’s less than half an hour from now) brings the end of housing registration. From Housing’s web site: REMINDER: Online Room Selection Registration will close on Wednesday, March 10 at 5:00pm. (EVERYONE must register!) Any student that does not register will lose their guaranteed housing status. Pester your friends! Lest you miss out on […]

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For the ones amongst us that are not inclined to live and learn at the same time, the most socially stressful and awkward process of the year officially begins today: the Room Selection process. Housing just sent out an email alerting students that Room Selection Registration starts today at 5 pm and continues until March […]

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Making Big Decisions

It’s that time of year: yesterday, sophomore inboxes across campus received a particularly terrifying email, one that intimated that they are expected to  bungle a catastrophically important decision declare their majors between March 1st and 4th. Thankfully, that’s not for a while, leaving an understandably flustered group–oh, wait, sorry, IT’S IN TWO WEEKS. Departments will […]

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Generative grammar devotees, be warned! The 5th Annual Edward Said Memorial Lecture, featuring Noam Chomsky, is packed to the brim in IAB’s Altschul Auditorium. Bwog’s Webmaster and Official Chomskyan Political Correspondent Hans Hyttinen reports that, as of 6:30 PM, students are being asked to leave IAB and no one else is being allowed in. Hyttinen […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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