Tired as the “poor college student” cliché may be, it’s based on some unfortunate reality. And, since heavens knows we can’t depend on the meal-plan to keep us happy, healthy, and free of scurvy, Bwog presents the smart shopper’s guide to getting stuff college students really want for cheap. Got suggestions for stores (within walking […]
-Via Non-Consumer Advocate Morningside Heights offers plenty of school supply stores, but which one is the cheapest? The CU Bookstore is a ripoff, right? Bwog’s Ripoff Search and Destroy Team sampled prices of a few school supply staples and found some unexpected results. It turns out that the CU bookstore is generally cheaper than […]
It’s after midnight, and you’re tired. While Bwog can’t help you create your own individually tailored regimen of stimulants, we can provide your best nearby source of stimulating drinks to get you through that all-nighter: Morton, JJ’s or Hamdel. The four drinks: Red Bull, generic coffee, Lipton tea, and Coke or Pepsi all of which […]
As the effects of the recession sink in, your dollars become even more valuable. “The Market Basket” will save you the time of remembering where to get the best bang for your buck. We start with a simple question: Morton or Westside? Ah, the perennial question: convenience or Neil Diamond? Today, we take another look […]
In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025“I’m The President Of Barnard”: Barnard President Laura Rosenbury Authors Op-Ed Addressing Student Protests
March 6, 2025