With the new year comes new dining policies, and none may be more threatening to freshman waistlines than the institution of “Order-by-Phone” pickup system at JJ’s. According to Dining Services, “you can order any food item from the menu in advance by calling 212-851-5801 and can pick it up approximately 15 minutes after the phone […]
Spotted heading toward Uris earlier this evening: Jim Cramer, the excitable host of CNBC’s Mad Money. He was alone and talking on his cell phone. “He sounded, well, mad,” reported an eyewitness. The reasons for his campus visit are of course a mystery, though Bwog would like to point out that he has a 17 […]
Free samples of Boar’s Head meats and cheeses, and Izze juices, in the Uris cafeteria right about now. You can also nab a nifty Boar’s Head insulated sandwich bag that you can cool in your freezer. And also, Columbia Catering, the exclusive catering service of Lerner Hall, has free bag lunches in the Piano Lounge. […]
If you have been following the news in even the vaguest capacity over the past few years, or if you’ve ever tried to get a computer in Lerner around 1 PM, you’re aware of the major space crunch Columbia is experiencing. But who needs to move into Manhattanville when you have the garage below Uris, […]
UPDATE, Sunday 3:10 PM: As pointed out by a commenter, news of the Business School potentially moving to Manhattanville was amply covered by the Spectator last year. The precise location is unconfirmed. The source for the Economics Department’s cancelled move to Knox Hall is an administrator in the Economics department via a student tipster; this […]
Professor Molly Murray, in an email to her Lit Hum section about an upcoming end of-the-year movie watching party: “Then, (since, in the immortal words of Jay-Z, after the party, there’s the after-party): 8PM. V & T’s pizza, 110th and Amsterdam.” Overheard outside Uris: Girl 1: I’m not like…a fun person. I’m not a fun […]
Apparently, Columbia thinks that we’re getting a little fat. The ice cream case in Uris Deli, stocked full of neatly-stacked, attractive-looking Häagen-Dazs, Nestle Crunch and various other tempting frozen novelties that are begging to be eaten, is locked. Because we didn’t really need it anyway. In other food news, Bwog overheard someone in the burger […]
There are free cupcakes with blue & white frosting in the little wood-panelled room adjacent to Uris Deli. Although undergrads will be kicked out, says an astute commenter. There was free barbecue out on Low steps, but the breadline extended across the plaza and you probably missed it. Sorry. You can probably still get a […]
Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025